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He entered in the water , he sat up so tony could inject some sedation, on his neck , so that he would sleep , he was staring at me the whole time, I was kinda awkward there not gonna lie it feels like if he would eat me alive at any moment.

He laid down and closed his eyes now the sedation having control of his body , and banner started with a calm voice " now you're getting into a trip , you will pass by places and moments that you've been and lived , for that to happen you just need to follow my voice ."

" you will relive some of your best moments in life , show me your best moments James" banner said
And in that type of capsule or whatever was that started to form his memory there it appeared him and Steve it looked like in the 40's , Steve was so thin and small omg , I was fascinated by it so I started to get close to the capsule .

Bucky was an attractive man in 40's, he had all the girls by himself, for what I could see .
Then Steve appears again, but he was being beating up in some alley , while Bucky saved him , I don't know why but I raised my hand to touch it to touch Steve's cheek I wish I could put him in a bottle and protect this little angel from the world , it felt so real ,but it was a memory so either Bucky or the hologram itself couldn't feel it .

It show him and Steve , again and again , we get it ,they we're best friends but then out of nowhere, it appears me ....
And if I remember banner said " best moments " right?! , and it was when the hydra agents appeared today , the moment when I saw everything in slow motion, I looked at tony and Bruce shocked, while they shrugged in confusion.
" I thought he hated you?" Tony whispered in my ear so that it could interfere in Bucky's mind , because his following Bruce's voice , and with another voice it would ruin the hypnosis.
" yeah me too... because i hate him as much as he does to me but me ?appearing in his best moments ?!" I whispered back
" or is the best moments to the bad moments ?" I asked myself

" now show me your worst moments "
Appeared hydra , and how he has been treated there like shit , same dude same , and then of course a lot of moments with me , obviously I had to be on the list . 
It was almost all the moments we got together and started to argue or fighting really bad each other.

And the memories returned to him in a machine I guess in one of the HYDRA bases, and he was screaming, I recognised that machine, they used to erase the memories of the soldiers .... he was screaming in pain , but Bucky now in real live in the tank , started to shake even in his "sleep" , because he could feel the pain of this memory , but he was shaking really bad .

" banner take it off and wake him please , he's suffering " I said I know he's kinda my enemy but like he has been in the same place as me tortured by the same people , I don't wish that treatment to anyone not even Bucky, a man that I despise .

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