As he raised his sword to strike the king, Victorious, with his staff, swung around and hit Drew in the back of his head, making him drop his sword. Cameron was up, and tried to take a blow to Victorious' head, but he was unsuccessful. Cameron was stopped by Otis and Jonathan and the rest of the crew, him being pounced on all at once by his former friends. Cameron had no chance of fighting back with all that weight on him. However, Cameron was able to stab one of the crew members, the counter, his name was Joe L. Boulder, and he was indeed bolder than the rest of them, since he was the first to pounce on Cameron, but with the cost of his life. That's when Otis and Jonathan and the rest of the crew pounced on Cameron at once. Otis started punching Cameron in the face while Jonathan and the five other men held him down, the other three held Drew down tightly. Reinforcements came when the king shouted for help in the Lennddorian language. Twelve Lennddorian soldiers came rushing into the room to find the king and Victorious unharmed, but saw the pile of men on top of one man.
"Kanjuing (can-ju-ing) dar foo un-godly azsister ve fi dru und cameron." The king said in Lennddorian to his soldiers.
"What does that mean?" asked Otis, as he took a breath after punching Cameron about fifteen times.
"It means: "Guards (*Kanjung) this (*dar) folly (*foo) human (un-godly) attempted to assassinate (*azsister) me (*ve). Eliminate (*fi) Drew (*Dru) and (*und) Cameron. That's what that meant." taught John as he helped the crew to their feet as the guards came in and arrested Drew and Cameron.
"The plan hasn't changed. We are right on schedule." cried Drew as he groaned in agony.
"He will be here, and he will have his unstoppable army with him." Cameron added,
"And those who oppose us will also die." Drew carried on saying.
"What army? What does Lucas have ready for me that I am not already prepared for?" yelled John as he grabbed Drew and Cameron by their necks. Both of them only laughed maniacally.
"You can't win, you won't win. And as for the rest of the world, Otis," Drew said as he looked at Otis and Jonathan, "America is next. And you won't see it coming." Drew started laughing again.
"See what?!" Otis yelled too, then slapped Drew on his left cheek and took him from the kings' hand and threw him on the wall.
"Long live Lucas," Drew started, "The rightful King of Lennddor." Cameron finished, then they both broke free from their captors and took their swords and stabbed themselves.
They died instantly, with blood rushing out of their chests. The room was silent, and clenched fists were seen all throughout the room.
"I knew Lucas hated me and wanted revenge, but I thought he would be harmless when I banished him." John said as he collapsed on the floor on his knees.
"What island did you banish him to? You never told us." Otis asked as he stooped down to the king's side.
"Fhuri'' John said in Lennddorian,
"English!" Otis yelled.
"Kauai, Hawaii'' John said in a low voice, as he cried tears.
Otis' eyes grew wide, he got up swiftly and quickly, and he went to Jonathan who was standing next to Victorious.
"We're here, we've seen Lennddor, now we must go back to America and warn the president of world war three." Otis said to everyone of his crew members.
"Let's go then." Jonathan said. Everyone agreed, and they headed out the door they came in.
"Wait! You can't go, while your country may have powerful weapons, they are nothing compared to Lennddorian weaponry." John said as he wiped away his tears.

Mystery / ThrillerWhen an exiled prince causes deadly attacks in America, his plot is exposed. It up to two North Carolina Police officers, one a detective, and both are brothers, to snuff out and find this prince and stop him from starting World War Three. Along the...