Y/n pov
"And then he just apparated away, I don't know what his problem was but it was fucking weird, right?" I said laying on the floor in my old dorm talking to blaire, aurora and Amelie.
"Yeah bae that is really fucking weird" said aurora who was also laying on the floor.
"I don't know maybe it may have been his father" said blaire.
"Well all I know from what u told me is that he is weird as fuck for doing sum shit like that, what was so important either way" said Amelie who had the bottle of fire whiskey in her hand taking and sip and passing it to me.
"His father" said blaire and aurora at the same time.
I grab the bottle and take a big sip passing it to aurora.
"Oh u guys are right his father the mighty dark lord ahhh" Amelie said "oh wait what if he can hear me oh my god now I'm scared" she said looking around.
I laughed at her as aurora started laughing as well.
"Well I mean mattheo's father is scary I wonder how he raised Mattheo did he raise him alone or did the death eaters have to help like imagine the death eaters help raise baby Mattheo" Amelia said.
constantly fighting over who would help feed him or change him and put him to sleep or them getting yelled at for doing something wrong.
I laughed thinking about it soon after Amelie, blaire and aurora started laughing as well.
It soon turn it a fit of laughter.
"Ok I'm going to put on music" blaire said stumbling over putting on a random song.
i grab the bottle from Amelie who was starting to seem drunk.
I took a big sip and passed it to aurora who chugged a lot of it.
I stood up and started dancing with blaire, as aurora and Amelie danced with each other.
Aurora passed the fire whiskey to blaire and blaire took a big sip before passing it to me.
I took a big spinning blaire around while drinking it.
I felt the liquid go down my throat giving it a nice burn while it went down.
I pass the bottle to aurora who was dancing with Amelie.
Me and aurora switch to me with Amelie and blaire with aurora.
We were so close, dancing up on each other.
We looked into each other eyes, Amelie looked at me in the eyes and then to my lips, looking back and forth between them.
She crashed her lips onto mine exploring my mouth with her tongue.
"y/n" blaire said laughing a little, Amelie pulled away as I look at blaire who stood with her mouth wide laughing more.
"Mattheo" aurora said laughing as well when I realized holy shit does that mean I cheated no right?
"Oh my god Mattheo, he dosent need to know" I said the last part a little more quietly.
"I'm going to the bathroom" Amelie said stumbling to the bathroom, clearly really drunk.
"Sure he dosent need to know but then again" blaire said raising an eyebrow.
"No he dosent need to know, it was just a little kiss" I said shrugging, grabbing the bottle from aurora.
I took a long sip passing it back to blaire.
"I mean he really dosent need to know it's not like he will find out" aurora said also shrugging with a smirk on her face.
"True so he won't find out" blaire said passing the bottle to aurora.
"Holy shit we are almost done with the bottle, do we have another one" aurora asked blaire.
"No Im pretty sure we don't, shit, should we go to Theodore and Lorenzo's dorm to se if they do" blaire said.
"Yeah let's see if they do" Amelie said walking out of the bathroom.
"Dont forget the keys" aurora said to blaire as she stumbled over to the door opening it so we can go to the boys dorm.
We walked out, closing the door being us, we walked to the boys dorm.
We stood in front of the door, just looking at it, "so who is going to knock" I said to the three of them.
"Not me" blaire said, "Not me" Amelie said "fine me" aurora said knocking on the door.
We waited a couple of minutes before the door opened revealing Theodore at the door looking confused.
"What do u guys want" he said.
"Alcohol" blaire said casually, "u sure u guys should be even drinking" Theodore said raising an eyebrow.
"Yes seems like the right thing to do so do u have anything we can drink" aurora said faking a smile to his way.
We all smiled and he opened the door so we can enter.
"Oh no not them" Lorenzo said with a look of disgust on his face.
"Yes us" I said laying on his bed.
He rolled his eyes at me and looked at the rest of the girls "what do u guys want" he asked.
"Alcohol" Theodore answered for them Lorenzo laughed "what makes u think we have alcohol" he asked.
"We figured cause u guys smoke and drink" Amelie said shrugging.
Lorenzo looked at Theodore before Theodore went over to a cabinet grabbing two bottles and a pack of cigarettes.
"Do u think Mattheo will allow her to do this right now" Lorenzo asked Theodore as Theodore have one bottle to aurora.
"What do u mean allow" I asked looking at him and sitting up.
"Well u are literally drinking and smoking who knows maybe u have a kid inside u" he said shrugging.
"I do not" I said rolling my eyes, standing up and grabbing the bottle from aurora, opening it and taking a big sip before giving it back.
"Maybe" Lorenzo said, "I do not we only had sex once that dont mean I'm pregnant now does it" I said looking at him with a questioning look.
"It's possible" Theodore said.
"No" I said back grabbing a cigarette from the box Theodore had in his hand.
"Here" lorenzo said waving me over and grabbing a litter, lighting up my cigarette.
I took a hit, blowing it out, Theodore took the cigarette from my hand taking a hit and passing it to Amelie who was sitting on the ground with aurora, while blaire sat on the other bed.
Amelie passed me the bottle she had next to her and I took another sip passing it to Lorenzo.
"We should do ding dong ditch like a muggle game but this time just knocking on peoples dorms" aurora said looking at all of us.