Chapter 6

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I'm so stressed about my exams that I needed to write to relax.

Here you go guys

"I never thought I'd be in the White house." Niall's eyes are big and he looks around when he follows Taylor, surrounded by the boys.

"I want to say that it's alright but I'm not sure now." Harry mumbles. His dad literally made him fly back to Washington. This is not good.

"I would paint the walls." Louis says with a serious tone.

"Pink?" Taylor snaps making both Louis and Niall look at the floor with guilty faces and making Harry chuckle a little bit.

The laughing is over though when the three of them are in his father's office. He gives the three of them a serious look, legs crossed and fingertips resting against each other.

"Whose idea was it?" is the first thing Des asks. "Who from you boys convinced my son to go to that party on the first day of college?" he looks angrily from Louis to Niall.

"It was my idea, dad." Harry says immediately. "And I'm sorry."

Desmond's eyes grow wider and for a second there is a shocked expression on his face, however that changes quickly in an angry one.

"Zayn, I want you to take Louis to the blue room. Liam, you take Niall to the green one." Both boys agree and they take Harry's friends away from him.

"Dad, I-"

"How could you be so irresponsible, Harry!" Desmond snaps. "It was your first day there and you could have died!"

"But I didn't." Harry defends himself. "Dad, I was just at some party. That's what normal teenagers do. I just wanted to have some fun with my friends."

"I don't know about your friends, son. You have to realise that even when you feel like you are a normal teenager, you are not. People are always watching every single step you take. You got the honour to be invited to the dean's party and then first you disrespect him by bringing two friends that both don't belong in that kind of environment." Desmond raises a finger.

"Second one." Second finger is raised. "Those friends of yours get drunk, misbehave and paint his dog.".

Harry sinks deeper into the chair as he looks at his father who gets angrier and angrier.

"Third, you ditch the party in a very unpolite way." Desmond keeps counting on his fingers.

"And last, but for sure not least, you go with those two to another party where you could have died, Harry! America almost lose you, I almost lost my baby boy!" now his angry façade has disappeared and his eyes are full of tears. "Do you know how scared I was when Taylor called me? Harry I don't know if I want you to go back to university. It's better if I contact the private teachers again and..."

"Dad, please no!" Harry begs. "I promise I'll behave! I promise I won't be reckless."

"I trusted you, son. You wanted to be free and I let you but this clearly doesn't work. You hang out with the wrong crowd and..."

"How are they possibly the wrong crowd!" Harry shouts now. "You picked out Niall yourself, dad. You let Taylor do research. He is your choice and I actually like him. He's a good person." Harry argues.

"Yes but that Louis boy. Harry..."

"He saved my life." Harry cuts his father off.

"What?" Desmond raises his eyebrow.

"You heard me. Louis saved my life. He is the reason I'm still breathing. He was downstairs to get me a drink when the fire started. He risked his own life, dad. He could have easily just went outside when it happened, leaving me upstairs but he didn't. He ran up the stairs, jumped out of a window first, so he could catch me. I would have been dead if it wasn't for Louis. So could you please not call him anything bad?" Harry has tears himself when he talks about it and it's the first time he really realises what Louis did for him.

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