Lizzy Ketchum

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Name: Lizzy Yuna Ketchum

Nicknames: Liz (mom, Misty, and Brock)
Yuna (Gary)

Age: 12
(I change the age of when you can go on your journey to 12)

Mother Delia Ketchum (alive)
Father (unknown)

Friends: Pichu, Misty, Brock, Gary, (later)May, Max, Dawn

Likes: Pokemon, cooking, helping Pokemon, family, friends, traveling, Misty helping her train her water Pokemon

Di-likes: Gary, Team Rocket, people hurting Pokemon or her family, and Pokemon hunters

Region: Kanto

Town: Pallet Town

Crush: (unknown)

Lizzy Ketchuma (Female Ash) Where stories live. Discover now