Chapter 11: Eldest Son and Best Friend

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Location: Utility Tunnels

Time: 10:11pm

Gregory explained everything he knew to the two ghosts in front of him for several minutes, never pausing once to take a breather.

The boy had knowledge of ghosts from a book that was given to him by Vanny. He'd read that ghosts were people's souls that couldn't pass on to the afterlife, clinging onto the world of the living because they needed to perform a task before moving on to that higher plane of existence (such as gaining emotional closure) and Gregory could only deduce that these men couldn't move on because of an awful thing William did to them and now, they were channeling their fury towards, ironically, a copy of the man himself.

"....And that's about everything I know. I swear." the clone finished, huffing as though he had sprinted from another animatronic.

"So let me get this straight: You are a clone of William that was born recently in some kind of...container?"

Gregory nods at the man called 'Mike'.

"And the real William Afton," The man in the red jacket carries on with Mike's summary, "is currently in the Pizzaplex's Security System and has sent the animatronics along with this 'Vanny' or 'Vanessa' woman after you so that he can possess you and have a new body to continue killing people with?"

Gregory nods again but this time, towards the red jacket man.

"Jesus Christ." Mike swears, rubbing his temple. "What a mess... I thought this would finally be over but NOPE you somehow came back after being burned alive. Again!"

Mike goes closer to Gregory. Far too close for his liking.

"Well, now that we know everything....what to do with you?" He lowers his head to eyeball the boy, "You know what, I'll probably kill you now to make sure that William really doesn't come back. I mean...I'm sure we can deal with the other William ourselves right Henry?"

"Mike No!" Henry drags him away from Gregory and fiercely whispers, "If you kill that boy, you'd be no better than him."

"What are you talking about Henry? That's not a child. It's HIM. If he could kill children, I can kill him in this child-like form as well. It's only fair after all that he did"!

Wait...Henry? That name...I heard it in the Daycare. Gregory flumps down near a wall as he starts to have another headache which originated from more of William's memories encroaching his mind.

The smell of a burning building. Balloons and posters going up in flames. Wise emerald eyes full of hatred gaze at William behind glass that is unwilling to shatter. Said eyes belong to the elderly man in a red jacket who stood there for a while before suddenly collapsing, waiting to die from either the flames or the smoke....

Eventually, he sees another figure standing behind him in the reflected glass. It's a man who is burning alive, the flesh is red, purple and rotting all over and it's falling off, being charcoaled to a dark black....

Mike shoves Henry, "Screw it, I should just kill him right now".

The ghost is about to possess Freddy Fazbear once more until the older man seizes one of his arms to impede the ghost from taking such a foolhardy action.

"Micheal. Calm down for a second: This William - this one at least- is still a child. I knew William back then. He wasn't always a cold, manipulative monster....At least that's what I figure anyways."

"What are you trying to say Henry?"

"What I'm saying is that what this boy needs is the right guidance. With it, there's a chance we could prevent him from going down the same road as my old friend".

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