Age Is Just A Number- Johnny X Taeyong (NCT)

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Warning: Age gap, Mpreg.

Short Summary: Johnny is 18. He's in love with his bestfriend's mom. Side ship: Jaehyun and Jungwoo.

-Third POV- 

     Johnny had always had a crush on one person. That one person was his best friend Jaehyun's mom, Taeyong. Johnny was now 18 and Jaehyun was 16. Taeyong was 32 and single. Johnny hung out at Jaehyun's every day, mainly to see Taeyong. Jaehyun wasn't blind, he saw the way Johnny looked at his mother. He didn't care, if Johnny managed to pick him up, he'd support them as long as he didn't hear it. "Johnny?" "Hmm." "I asked what you wanted to do." "Oh, let's just play video games, then we'll work out for a bit." Johnny and Jaehyun worked out a lot and their bodies showed it. (It really does. OMG their abs😰) Johnny was still watching Taeyong. Taeyong walked around in short shorts and a crop top. Taeyong had noticed the way Johnny eyes him and started wearing more revealing clothes. Taeyong was trying to get him now that Johnny was legal. Jaehyun's father abandoned him the minute he found out Taeyong was pregnant.

     Johnny and Jaehyun were working out. It might sound creepy to some, but Taeyong was watching Johnny. He watched Johnny lift weights, thinking how easily Johnny could throw him. He walked away, going to the living room. He laid on the couch, covering with Johnny's coat. He enjoyed the smell of Johnny's cologne. He didn't expect to fall asleep. 

     Johnny and Jaehyun had cleaned up after working out and walked to the living room. They saw Taeyong asleep under Johnny's coat. Johnny gulped. "Do you want me to grab it?" Jaehyun offered. "No, I'll get it tomorrow. He looks comfortable." "Alright." Johnny starts to walk away. "Johnny? Jaehyun?" Taeyong woke up. "Hey Mrs. Lee." Johnny whispers. "I'm sorry about your coat. I was cold." "No, it's fine." Taeyong stands up, handing Johnny his coat. "I should probably get to bed. You boys have fun." Taeyong yawns. He goes to step forward but falls forward. Johnny catches him. "Thank you, Johnny." "It's nothing." "Can you carry me? I'm a little tired." Johnny nods, picking Taeyong up bridal style. Taeyong cuddled slightly into his chest. Johnny blushed at the action. He carried Taeyong to his bed. "Thank you, Johnny." "No problem baby." Johnny gasped at what he said. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." "It's okay. I know you look at me, I look at you the same way." Taeyong smirked. Johnny ran out of the room, too embarrassed to say anything. 

     It had been 3 days since Johnny had come over and Jaehyun was worried about Johnny and his mom. He assumed something happened between them. He saw the fear on Johnny's face when he rushed out the other night. He also noticed his mom wear less revealing clothes. He made up a plan to get the 2 alone. He texted Johnny there was an emergency at his house and left. He knew Johnny would rush over. He texted his mom the same thing. He hated making them worried, but he needed them to talk.

     Johnny rushed over to Jaehyun's house. "Jae, where are you?" The front door flung open, Taeyong running inside. "Baby, I'm ho-." Johnny noticed how Taeyong looked like he was about to pass out. "Are you alright?" Johnny asked. Taeyong shook his head, using a wall to stablize himself. Johnny helped him to the couch before going and getting a glass of water. "Here." "Thanks." Johnny sat next to him, texting Jaehyun. "Johnny?" "Hmm?" "Am I that bad?" Johnny was lost. "What do you mean?" "I'm old and not good-looking anymore huh?" "No." "The other night you..." "Got scared and embarrased and ran away. I'm sorry. You... You're beautiful." Taeyong smiles. "Really?" "Mhm." Taeyong blushes. "Will you cuddle with me upstairs? I haven't been held in a while and..." "Sure." Johnny picks Taeyong up, taking him upstairs. 

     They lay together. "Shirt off." Taeyong says. Johnny complies letting Taeyong cuddle into his bare chest. "God, your abs are rock solid." Johnny laughs. Taeyong feels Johnny's arm muscles, getting to know the younger's body. "Mrs. Lee..." "It's Taeyong." "Taeyong, are we a thing now?" "I don't know, are we?" "Yeah." Johnny leaned down and kissed Taeyong. What they didn't know was Jaehyun was watching proudly from the doorway. Jaehyun always wanted siblings and he knows he has a chance now. 

-1 year later-

     Taeyong paced around his and Johnny's room. He had confirmation from the doctor, he was pregnant. He was scared to tell Johnny. He loved and trusted Johnny, but the last time he was pregnant he was abandoned. Johnny lost a lot when they started dating including his family. "Hey babe." Johnny breaks his thoughts, walking into the room. Taeyong started crying. "Baby, what's wrong." "I'm sorry." "For what?" Johnny picked him up carrying him to the bed. "Baby, talk to me." "I'm pregnant." "Okay, wait what are you sorry for?" Johnny's heart dropped. "Wait- is- is it not mine?" Taeyong looked at him. "I'd never cheat on you." "Then why are you apologizing? Do you not want it?" "I do, I just didn't know if you did." "Of course, I do. Plus, Jaehyun's always wanted a sibling. We'll be a real family now." Taeyong smiled. "I love you johnny." "I love you more. Let's go tell Jaehyun." "Okay."

     They knocked on Jaehyun's door. Jaehyun cracks the door. "Oh hey." He fully opens the door. "Um, Johnny and I have something to tell you." "What is it?" "Your mom's pregnant." Johnny says. The younger smiles. "I'm a big brother now!" Jaehyun hugged Taeyong and Johnny. "I love you guys so much." The couple laughs. Johhny kisses Taeyong causing Jaehyun to fake gag. Taeyong jumps, wrapping his arms and legs around him. "Get a room." Jaehyun yells. Johnny sets Taeyong down. "We should all go out for dinner to celebrate." Johnny says. "All right, can I bring someone?" Taeyong smiles. "Sure, you can bring the person you're dating." (We don't assume sexualities in this house.) "Thanks Mom." 


     Johnny and Taeyong sat at the table waiting for Jaehyun and his company. "Johnny, are you sure you're ready to be a father?" Johnny smiles. "Of course. I love you and I can't wait to meet our child." They kissed, not noticing Jaehyun and his friend walk over. Jaehyun clears his throat. "Oh, sorry." Taeyong says a bit embarrassed. "Mom, Johnny, this is my boyfriend, Jungwoo." "Hi." Jungwoo's voice was quiet. "Nice to meet you. How did you meet my son?" "Mom!" "No, it's okay. We go to school together; he protects me from the other kids. I get bullied a lot." Taeyong felt bad for the boy. "I'm sorry." "It's okay." Jaehyun grabbed Jungwoo's hand, kissing the back. The waiter came over and took their orders. The couples talked amongst themselvesfor the rest of dinner before heading home. Johnny and Taeyong watched a movie and made out for a while before going to bed. 

>1174 words.

>Thanks for 200 reads.

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