Chapter 28- Shut Up and Kiss Me Already

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The tears of joy running down my cheeks are making Tyler's journal pages wet. I stare down at the words I've reread at least thirty-eight times now.

"I know I messed it all up, but I'd really love for you to consider giving me another chance, because I can say without a single doubt in my mind, I love you Lila Daniels."

I grab my phone, the screen tells me it's 2:40 PM. I have a few missed calls and texts from the girls checking in on me since I went MIA from school. I'm half surprised Payton hasn't just shown up at my door looking for me since school got out almost twenty minutes ago.

But there's no time to explain to the girls what happened right now. My thumbs are frantically typing out a message to the one person I need to talk to most.

Lila: Can we meet?

Stud Muffin: Always for you. Where?

Lila: Um actually, scratch that. Forgot my car is still at the school. Come get me?

Stud Muffin: Perfect. I'll be there in five.


My heart is racing faster than the wings of a hummingbird. My palms are sweaty and my throat feels dry. I'm thinking about going back inside to grab a glass of water but before I can complete the thought, Tyler is pulling into my driveway. For a moment I feel paralyzed with nerves, frozen in place on the front steps of my porch. A culmination of pent up emotions I've been feeling towards this boy for months, no doubt.

Tyler cuts off the ignition to his Jeep and hops out with urgency. I see the way he looks at me, a little shy and exposed, unsure of how I received the messages in his journal. But also in his eyes I see the glimmer of hope and the same warmth that he always brings me. The way only he can make me feel like one in a million. Any fears, sadness, misplaced guilt or thoughts of rejection that I've waded through completely disappear. I've missed this boy more than words can adequately say and I'm so ready to stop fighting my deepest desires and just be with him. For real this time. Nothing stopping us.

I don't waste a second longer, leaping off the steps I act on instinct and begin jogging up to Tyler as he's making his way up the drive. I close the gap between us in a few strides, jumping into his arms, wrapping my body around his in a crushing hug. His strong arms wrapping around me, engulfing me. Tears are back filling my eyes, I couldn't control them even if I tried because apparently I'm always a softie when it comes to this boy.

"Lila, I'm so sorry, I—"

"Oh shut up and kiss me already!"

My lips collide into Tyler's, unable to wait a second longer. Tyler sinks one hand into my hair at the back of my neck to deepen the kiss. The other arm still holding me up, my legs wrapped around his waist. I cradle his face in my hands while we kiss with desperation, each of us needing to express to the other how much we have missed one another. As if we each have waited every single-devastatingly long-day to kiss each other again since Homecoming.

After a couple minutes we finally pull away for air. Tyler sets me down on my feet, brushing a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. I tilt my head up, looking into my favorite blue eyes.

"I take it you liked my gift then?" Tyler gives me his signature smirk. The cocky side of him loves to tease me.

"I guess you could say that." I reach up on my tip toes for one more quick peck.

"Seriously though, thank you Tyler. Your journal is probably the most personal gift you could have given me. I'm unbelievably honored you trusted me enough to let me read it. I just wish you would have told me what was going on sooner so we could have figured everything out could have saved both of us a lot of heartache."

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