Signs that they like you. (For 10k+ reads!!!)
Makoto: He'll stumble when he's around you even when something isn't even there to trip on, He'll help you with anything as long as no one gets hurt, stutters a bit more, act a bit more shy and blushes a bit more, he'll add sticky notes to your locker with writing that says stuff like "You're amazing!", "I hope you have an awesome day!" stuff like that and he leaves them anonymous and will usually leave them on your locker even before you get to school.
Sayaka: She'll sit by you in class and will pair up with you whenever there's a chance, she'll randomly sing lyrics to a new love song around you and claim its for a new album she's making but really it's about you. Loyal to you and would risk anything if it means that you're safe, happy, and healthy.
Leon: He'll try and act tough and awesome around you but he'll get a bit more clumsy with his actions, he'll do anything to impress you or catch your eye, stares at you during class or gives you winks from time to time, he'll use some of the worst pick up lines just to make you smile or laugh.
Kyoko: She's a bit harder to read then the others, but she'll do anything to protect you, she'll offer to help you with your lessons and homework. She studies every little thing you do, what you like, who you hang around, who you talk about, etc. Her constant discreet watching seems creepy, but she honestly wants to know everything about you.
Mondo: He'll turn into a blushing stuttering mess, he can't even look at you without blushing or freezing up, tries his best to keep the tough guy attitude but he really loses it around you.
Junko: She'll hang out with you, give you fashion advice from time to time, she'll call you her "Little despairing teddy bear." or other nicknames like that, she'll try give the person you have a crush on other than her so much despair her because there's no way she's loosing someone like you to a pathetic lowlife. Careful though, you might die one day by her own doing for the sake of despair.
Kiyotaka: He's almost exactly like Mondo, only he'll randomly compliment you when he runs into you in school, he won't give you TOO much of a hard time when it comes to you running in the halls or stuff but he's still pretty serious if you break the rules. Only he's just blushing and not looking directly at you. Wants to be close to you and he tries to bond with you every chance he gets.
Fukawa: Lines like "Y-you're not so bad..." Or "Y-you're okay I g-guess... You don't need to take that as a compliment from me though... I bet you don't even care..." are usually a sign, she'll also write secret novels about you and never show them to anyone EVER. Creepy Fukawa fantasies are still a thing though.
Genocider Syo: She'll straight up tell you that you're hot and she thinks you're to die for, she might not have to kill you for that.
Chihiro: He's so shy that even asking you for a sheet of paper is hard to do without stuttering so much, he makes little Alter Ego's based off you too keep Alter Ego company, he smiles and giggles at every little cute thing you say, he'll compliment you when you feel down and will give you lots of hugs.
Celest: She'll offer to play lots of board games with you or play card games with you without making bets, she'll invite you for tea parties and gossip about everything with you. Has you ranked as a Rank B. Still too scared to move you up yo Rank A. You're kinda her servant in a way, you do her chores sometimes. It's a honor though.
Togami: He'll still call you a 'peasant' and stuff, but he really wants to impress you and get your attention, he'll do stuff like secretly paying for you lunch or kinda watching you with a book hiding the fact that he's watching you to see what you enjoy or things that make you happy, stuff like that.
Asahina: Gives you compliments every time you get together, shares her donuts with you that's a big sign, she's a lot more energetic around you, she'll invite you to her swim meets then takes you out for some donuts or food when they're over.
Yasuhiro: Talks to you about almost anything literally anything, he'll give you discounts on fortunes and tell you that that's how he usually leaves the price, he has shared a cheeseburger with you when you had no lunch whatsoever.
Sakura: She's way more protective around you, gives you thoughtful advice when you need it, she'll invite you to workout with her and to grab a healthy lunch.
Yamada: He'll compare you to anime characters and say that you are more good looking then them, he writes friend fiction about you, he made an entire manga series based off a character similar to you.
Mukuro Ikusaba: Super protective of you, she'll do anything to get your attention and approval, she'll do things even Junko will tell her to do just to win you over.
-----------This isn't really my forte but I hope you guys like?
thanks for 10k+ reads!!!