Italics are thoughts
¨Hey, again...¨ I said to the man I havent seen in 1000 years.
¨You know Sukuna?¨ Gojo asked me.
I looked away, both men in the room, (plus Sukuna but he is apart of Itadori) where looking at me. And I dont like all the attention im getting.
I slowly nodded my head and turned to look at the albino haired male.
¨Shes my wife.¨ Whats up with everybody being so straight forward today?
Itadori gave a shocked face to the eye and mouth residing on his cheek, along with Gojo, who looked between me and my husband."What?, you mean, you're the queen of curses?" Gojo asked me.
"Heh, I guess so..." I looked away sheepishly, because again, all eyes where on me.
"Brat, switch with me." Sukuna asked Itadori, who gave a questioning look to Gojo as if asking for permission.
"Sure, I mean after all I am here. So if anyone tries anything I'll stop it!" The enthusiastic male said looking between my husband and I.
Third person POV
And so Sukuna and Itadori switched places, with the king of curses having full control, of course he knows better then to try anything since it could endanger his dear wife.
The first thing he did once they switched was get up and hug the woman across from him. That one hug made her tear up, since she hadn't seen him in over one thousand years. Not being able to contain her tears anymore, Y/n started crying.
¨How long has it been?¨ He asked in a suprisingly calm tone.
¨Uh, 1000 years..¨ She said back, shyly.
¨How many of my fingers have you collected?¨ He asked now looking down.
¨Yeah how many???¨ Gojo asked getting right up in her face.
She blushed at how close the male was to her.
¨Only two...¨ She whispered.
¨HUH? Pardon me princess, but after 1000 years you only found 2 fingers?¨
¨Eh, whatever.¨
¨Okay, sorry but could you bring Itadori back now? We still have some things to discuss.¨ The Albino asked Sukuna and the y/h female.
¨Uuuhhh, fine¨ The pink haired male complied.
Time skip
¨Itadori, Y/n, this is Megumi, the one you met at the school.¨ Gojo informed the two.
¨Hello!¨ Itadori greeted while Y/n just offered a small smile.
¨Anyway, we have to go pick up our third student! Oh! And Y/n, since you too are a curse, normally we would have had to excersize you. But since you protected these two, I wont. On one condition.¨
Y/n, looked at him listening intensively. ¨What is it?¨
¨You have to help me teach these students!¨ Gojo said with sparkles(?) surrounding him.
Y/n nodded, happy to be useful. I wanted to go watch anime :( whatever, I guess I have to come along to go get the other student now.
¨If everything is settled! LETS GOOOO!¨ That man is way to energetic.
And so, all three men and one female curse, went to go pick up there last member.
Word count 505
Sorry I havnt been updating, and they are short. I am just highly motivated to do nothing. Anyway, till next time!

Weak (Sukunaxreader)
FanfictionPrincess of her village, Y/n is an extraordinary girl, she is pretty normal, other than the fact she can see these weird ghost like things all around town, and sometimes in her house. Curses are what they are called. What happens when she meets a...