*Europe Day 2: Afternoon* Catching the Love Bug

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Nini's POV:

Yesterday after Ricky, Isabella, and I got into our hotel room, we just slept the whole time. I was too busy taking care of Isabellla on the plane to even think about sleep. Ricky played with her a lot on the plane when she was not sleeping but I did the hard stuff like change her diaper, get her to go to sleep, feed her and carry her. Ricky seems to be trying to be a better father lately but I still want to know who he was talking to at the airport and why he can't tell me.

I look over to my side and see Ricky still asleep. I'll let them sleep in. Besides, I don't want  to fight with Ricky as soon as Isabella wakes up. We've never fought in front of her before. I decided that I'll grab some breakfast alone and see if anyone else is in the lobby.

"Hey Nini, how are you? Do you want to go on a double date with Seb and I tonight?" Carlos runs up to me as I walk out of the elevator into the hotel lobby.

"Wow, someone's happy today. I would have to ask Ricky. He slept in today with Isabella," I reply as I walk over to where breakfast is served in the hotel.

"Sorry, I'm super happy and excited. I am planning something for Seb and I. We were fighting and I lost the engagement ring but then he forgave me. I am just so overjoyed that we are back together. Anyways, we want to hang out with you guys since we haven't seen you guys and Isabella in forever," Carlos exclaims following me to breakfast.

Carlos is never like this. He must have caught the love bug around Seb. Those two are meant to be together. I wish Ricky and I would stop fighting. it's kinda always his fault though.

"I'm happy for you guys. I'll have to see what Ricky wants to do tonight. Do you guys want to have breakfast together?" I ask as Seb comes down the hall checking on his hair in a mirror.

"Sure," they both reply at the same time.

I swear they need to get married. They are too adorable together.


Carlos POV:

After breakfast with Nini, Seb and I go back to our hotel room and get ready for the day. I have something fun planned for us until we hear back from Nini about dinner.

"Hey Sebby, why don't we do something fun today?" I ask him since I am so energetic today.

I don't think Jet-leg has hit me yet or I really do have a love bug like Nini said.

"Like what?" Seb says as he puts his glasses on.

"We can both go downtown and see what shops there are. Then we can each pick a shop and buy a nice outfit for each other. Think of it as an outfit that we'd want each other to wear on our next date," I lean over to kiss him.

Ever since, he forgave me for losing then engagement ring, things have been better than ever. Seb really isn't mad at all. He's actually trying to be calm about it. I need to be more like him.

"Okay, that sounds fun but don't go looking for an engagement ring. I told you that I love your ring or not. I promise you, I am not mad," Seb comes over to my side of the bed and kisses me.

"You are the best Seb. All that worrying for nothing. I don't how I found you. It was like finding a needle in a haystack. You are special," I kiss him back.

After a small make-out session with Seb, we finally take the elevator to the lobby and get a cab to go downtown.

When the taxi driver stops in front of a whole bunch of shops, I offer to pay since I need to start making up for all my mistakes and arguing that I've done with Seb.

"I could've paid half the fair. I have euros too," Seb whines as we hold hands getting out of the taxi.

"Ok, so as much as I love you. We might have to split up if we are going to buy outfits for each other without knowing what the other person is buying," I say as I kiss Seb on the lips.

"Ok, deal. But no buying anything expsensive. You already paid for the taxi fair," Seb says as we let go of each others hands.

"I'm going into this store. I love you honey," I reply as part ways.

As soon as I walk into the boutique, I spot a familiar red-head I haven't seen in a while

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As soon as I walk into the boutique, I spot a familiar red-head I haven't seen in a while.

"Hey Big Red, haven't seen you in a long time," I go over to greet him.

"Oh Hi Carlos, is Seb with you? Things are awkward between the three of us. I don't want to cause more trouble," I hear Big Red say nervously as I walk over to the case he is looking at.

"What'cha shopping for? Or who are you shopping for? Wait, are you buying Ashlyn designer jewelry?" I gasp and smile back at him.

"No.... I'm just looking," Big Red replies shyly.

"Hey Big Red, just a hint. The key to someone's heart isn't money and jewels. Seb taught me that," I wink at him as he looks up from the jewelry case he was just touching.

"Ok, so what is it?" Big Red looks up to me curiously.

"Well, I'm not really sure that love is about one thing. It's about listening to your partner, accepting them for who they are, being there for them, and much more. Seb has taught me a lot since I met him. A ring won't make her love you," I wink at him again in case he hasn't caught on that I am talking about Ashlyn.

"Wait, how did you know that I'm looking for something for Ashlyn?" Big Red walks towards me.

"Why else would you be looking at jewelry in Paris? Besides, I forgive you for what happened on the cruise ship. I swear if Ashlyn does not get back together with you I will be mad," I reply trying my best not to get angry at him in the store.

I'm not angry at him. Just caught a case of the love bug today and can't stand people who ignore each other.

"Yeah, I'm still working on that....." I watch as Big red walks over to another jewlry case looking for something.

"Hey, turn that frown upside down. Today's going to be a good day. Why don't you go get her flowers? That's something that doesn't cost as much money as jewelryand she would love it. Remember when you got her those flowers for opening night? I've never seen Ashlyn smile that big before," I reply remembering our first opening night in high school.

"Wait, that's a perfect idea! Thank you so much for the advice and idea Carlos. Bye see you at the wedding," Big Red says then hugs me.

"Your welcome?" I say to no one in particular as Big Red leaves the boutique.

Wow. I've never hugged Big Red before.

A/N: sorry this isn't edited yet.

Europe Escapades: Book 2 in the Shipwrecked SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now