Chapter 4

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    Jack was telling a joke when Tommy overheard something. Tommy's heart raced when he heard the heroes talk about him. He asked his friends to talk quietly and tried to listen to the heroes' conversation.

    "Hey Phil, did you see that kid?" The Blade asked. "Oh, the waiter?" Phil responded. "Yeah, there was something off about him." Blade muttered. "He seemed panicked when we asked him how his wrist was." Phil added. Blade seemed to have come up with why this happened. "Phil..." Blade said.

    At this point, he was sure his friends could also hear his heart racing. Had they found out who he was? Quackity tried to calm him down and said, "There was no way they could have found out. No one could have found out in just one meeting, right?". He said the last part while looking at his friends for confirmation. They all nodded their heads and Tommy felt a bit calmer. He turned back to the hero's conversation.

    "What is it Blade?" Phil asked, leaning forward a bit. Phil knew that The Blade was a great observer. "What if that kid was being abused at home?" Blade said. "I'm pretty sure that could be what's going on at his house. Why else could he have a sprained wrist? And, if he gave a true story, he would have given a longer explanation. But no, he just said he slammed his hand on something." Blade added.

    Tommy let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding. He tried his best to not laugh, but he did laugh a little quietly. "Guys, they think I'm being abused at home!" Tommy said quietly in between little laughs. "Oh my god, they are so dumb!" Purpled laughed, shaking his head. "Wait... you AREN'T being abused at home, right?" Quackity said.

    Jack looked at Quackity weirdly. "Bruh." Jack said. "Quackity, Tubbo literally can't get off of his bed. Even if he does, it's once in a month. Ranboo would never hurt me or Tubbo intentionally, and you know that." Tommy said seriously. "Oh... I'm sorry I forgot. Wait how is Tubbo feeling now?" Quackity said with worry in his eyes. Quackity was basically a father figure to Tubbo, so the bond between those two was very close.

    "Tubbo is not that good to be honest. This morning he almost coughed up blood. Ranboo's watching him right now." Tommy said, looking down. "I'm going to come home with you after you're done with your shift, ok? It's been a while since I saw Tubbo." Quackity said. "Big Q, you literally saw him 2 days ago." Tommy said with a little laugh. "But it feels so long..." Quackity whined. "Ok, fine. You can come Big Q." Tommy said while patting the duck hybrid, making Quackity's wings wrap around the boy in a hug.

    Tommy went back to work and continued his shift. He kept on watching the two heroes and after they were finished with their drinks, they paid Tommy and left. When Tommy looked into Ph1lzA's eyes, he was shocked and almost laughed. His eyes were filled of sympathy and pity. Tommy wondered if this was because of the conversation the two had earlier, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions, unlike the two heroes who thought that he was being abused.


    "Phil, do you think we should follow the boy home? To see if he's having any problems at home." Blade said. "No, unless the boy asks for help, then we can investigate further. We'll just go on patrol this evening and look out, ok?" "Alright Phil..."

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now