You wake up and instantly check your phone. There are 11 unread messages from Kris your boyfriend checking up on you because you haven't been messaging him back. "David what's wrong why aren't you replying" "David" "Hello" "???" "Are you ok" you reply with "yes I fell asleep soz wanna come round to mine my parents are away for a couple of days." He replied with "yes should I bring my stuff." You put yes see you soon." "I'll let you know when I'm round the corner." You reply with "ok"
you have a shower and change into this
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You go downstairs and get a waffle mix and a waffle maker out of the cupboard and start making some there's just enough mix for you and kris suddenly you here a ping it's kris "I'm outside" you look out the window and see kris getting off his motorbike he looks so hot he's wearing this
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You open the door and walk towards him to greet him "hey you look so hot omfg did I just say that out loud" " hey you look hot as well can we go inside now." You say "yeah I've got some waffles on" he replies with "you know I love waffles have you got vanilla syrup and white chocolate spread" you reply with "of course I do its a must with you coming round." "I'm excited for you to come back to school everyone's missed you it's a shame that your dads had to go back into rehab it must suck." "At least your in all my classes this time but I am worried about Molly sucking up to you again she's been talking about how she misses you everyday." "Kris don't worry about her I've got you now." "I know I know."