Chapter 3

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Her house
8:00 pm

After using the bathroom I went back out in the living room and them annoy little brats is still here. " God all I ever asked was for this to be a dream you know I don't like them." I said aloud.

"You know you love us." The one of dumbest person in the room said Rihanna.

"If you don't shout your delusional ass up out here telling lie like that." Then the door bell ring.

"Beyoncé go pay for the pizza please." Onika said I was going to be rude but she said please.

"Okay, but after i feed y'all I want you out." I said and they roll their eyes.

"You need some sex Beyoncé because chileeee you grumpy grumpy." Rihanna said and I went and collect the pizza.

"50 dollar for what?" I shout at the door " Yow onika I'm gonna need my money back." I said a she came to the door.

"Beyoncé just pay for the food a let that little boy leave."

"Ain't nothing about me little ma." He said licking his lips.

"Boyyyyy if you don't get your muppet looking ass from my door, talking bout some ain't nothing about you little, get your ass from my steps." I said giving him the money and close the door.

"Suppose i wanted his number." She asked.

"You want me to call him back." And she looked at me like I was out of my mind and I laughed and walk in the living room.


I need to get them out my house they have been sing for the past 30 minutes.

"Will you guys shut up damn, watch a movie or something!" I shouted.

"Shut your old ass up" Kelly said.

"Girl I'll come over there and hit you, have respect for your elderly."

"Be quite." She said.

"Yeah I bet if you wake up tomorrow in the middle of no where you would cry." I said looking in her eyes.

"I don't like you."

I smiled "the feeling is mutual don't forget that."

"Anyways let's watch a movie as Beyoncé suggested." Lauren said.

"Hey hey aint y'all have a house and school is tomorrow go home."

"We are sleeping over." Solange said looking at me.

"No y'all not."

"Yes we are."

"No." I said and she started doing puppy dogs eyes on my "is something in your eye."

"Beyoncé please can we." I sighed

"Fine do whatever you want, I going back up stairs to sleep please don't make to much noise down here."

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