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I honestly don't remember whether or not Katsuki gets his quirk in school, but just ignored it or whatever. WARNING!!! There is a scene in here with sexual assault, I try to make it as vague as possible, but if this is a trigger for you then when you see ********** skip until you see the next one. This part literally spilled out some deep part of me, so sorry if it seems a little venty. Anyways I think this is one of the angstiest chapters, but this should be the last of them. It only goes up from here - Sincerely, Your African American Author


Katsuki's earliest memory is a large hand grabbing him as they sit in a bright area. He remembers looking up at his brother. He remembers his brother smiling down at him as he smooshes his cheeks together with his warm hands.

Katsuki remembers feeling calm and happy. He remembers elation rising from his stomach as he laughs.

Katsuki knew that Kaito's hands meant safety. They would shield him from the bottles and drugs and hold him when things got out of hand.

Things always seemed to get out of hand.

But so long as Kaito was there, it would be okay.

Kaito's hands were soft and warm. That's how Katsuki first remembers him, and that's what he kept with him when his older brother died.

Katsuki remembers his father holding his hand as they crossed the street. He remembers him scooping him up when he got tired.

Katsuki remembers the man holding him against his side as he read a bedtime story.

Katsuki remembers his father dragging him to the daycare.

And he also remembers his father dragging him to his room when the demon was home.

He remembers smelling his father's cologne on his wrists and in his room when he left. Sometimes Katsuki would pretend that his father was there with him, protecting him from the nightmares.

His father's hands were larger than his brother's, but they weren't smooth and warm like his brothers. Katsuki knew that he could depend on his father.

Then it all went downhill.

He remembers those hands pushing him away. Those hands moved frantically as he closed the bedroom door, hiding the other woman from view.

He remembers those hands moving swiftly, the sting of his cheek, and the look of regret and horror on his father's face.

It was after that his father and the demon screamed and screamed and screamed. Those hands caught the thrown beer bottles and snatched the wrist of the demon.

Katsuki watched with wide eyes from the stairs as his father stormed up the stairs. His father grabbed his hand harshly, the previous soft hold gone. He dragged Katsuki to his room and stopped.

His father grabbed him and pulled him to his chest, and Katsuki put his face into his father's shirt and wrapped his small arms around his neck. Katsuki hadn't been hugged by his family in so long that the scent of his father's cologne brought tears to his eyes.

Only Izuku had hugged him, and while Katsuki loved Izuku, he loved his father too.

Maybe everything would be okay.

Kaito always said everything would be okay.

It would be okay.

But then his father left in an angry flurry, and only the slam of the door was louder than the demons yelling and cursing.

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