So... How do you get a job, when you need experience for it? Yet you need a job to get that experience! I have a bachelors in computer science now, no job experience (because legal reasons) and now that I want a job, want experience, and everywhere is "Urgently hiring" I seem to be having a hard time getting urgently hired.

Thoughts in my head
RandomA trip down a warped and catastrophic world known as my head. You're safety or sanity is not guaranteed It's just thoughts going on in my head and some behind the scenes stuff aswell as a bunch of drawings i make in spare time *Picture doesn't belo...
How do you get a job?
So... How do you get a job, when you need experience for it? Yet you need a job to get that experience! I have a bachelors in computer science now, no job experience (because legal reasons) and now that I want a job, want experience, and everywhere is "Urgently hiring" I seem to be having a hard time getting urgently hired.