16-"Into the dark"

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“She’s somewhere near Jungkook, I’m receiving strong signals.” Spoke Jimin staring into the same black and green screen of the Zymbeote.

“Eomma, It’s snowing.” Spoke Jihyun while he sat comfortably between the soft blanket wrapped around him on the backseat and he had his nose pressed to the glass of the window while he peered out towards the white town twinkling in golden lights. His sleep kissed eyes glowed with the innocent shimmer of life dazzling in those chocolate orbs.

“Jihyun sit back and stay in your blanket.” Spoke Jimin with this sickening feeling accumulating in the pit of his stomach watching the blip give off much intense glow over the screen.

He couldn’t even think after the words ‘what would happen when they-…’ He just couldn’t think forth and the dreading feeling of being back in Seoul with their purpose of finding the girl with hazel orbs was terrifying. They were not even sure of whom they were to find back, Angel or Venom.

“But Eomma I want to make a snowman, look there is so much snow-…”

“Jihyun, be quiet.”

Jimin spoke a bit sternly making the boy to curl his lips in a pout oblivious of the sensitivity of the situation. He didn’t even know why his parents were so frazzled, they were just going to pick Angel right then what’s so infuriating about it.

They seem as if their souls will evaporate any minute to the way they sat feeling so edgy and desperately looking at the GPS, the Zymbeote and the roads forth.

“Eomma it’s that icecream shop, Angel brought me to when we used to live in Seoul-….”

“Jihyun” Jungkook surely wasn’t feeling good enough and with the little boy unconsciously opening the doors to past, it wasn’t helping at all.

“Not a word more”

And just like that Jihyun stopped from talking further and slumped back sliding into the fluffy blanket. He wasn’t liking it at all that they scolded him over nothing.

I miss you Angel.

The pout of his lips curled more as he remembered the embrace of familiar arms that always saved him from getting scolded and loved him dearly.

Where are you? Just come back already.

His longing eyes peered forth the glass window yet again oblivious of how his little innocent wish was granted at the spot.

Destination reached.

Coordinates: 37.7000° N, 126.9500° E

Target alive.

The auto-assist spoke urging Jungkook to abruptly stop in the middle of the road making Jimin and Jihyun to jolt in their places.
“What happened Jung-…” Jimin stopped himself from speaking further as he saw Jungkook peering forth through the front wind shield with pure horror kissing his beautiful features.

Following his gaze Jimin saw what he least was expecting.

In the headlights of the bike that stood midway. A girl knelt down shaking while a man stood in front of her pressing the nozzle of a gun right to the crown of her head.

“A-angel….” It rolled off Jungkook’s tongue intuitively as he peered forth with his blood drying in his veins.

The girl puked fiercely painting the hard concrete with blood that left Jimin to gasp and slam his hand over the Zymbeote turning it off. They felt as if someone froze them like statues in their places, Jungkook wanted to scream and tell the person not to hurt her, Jimin wanted to pull her away from the person with raven wavy hair, so awfully familiar but none of the two seemed to even breathe as they spectated the view forth.

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