When Auska went to the hospital to pick up Akira after work, she was sleeping in her bed. "We filtered her blood and helped her poisoning. Her vomiting should stop completely tomorrow." She informed Auska of her status of health so they could bring her home. "Thank you. Is she safe for discharge today?" They asked the nurse as they were deep in thought about Akira and her sudden alcohol intake.
"Yes she should be fine, it's up to if you want to wake her or not." The nurse said as they started to tamper with Akira's equipment and change settings. Auska delicately brushed Akira's hair off her face so they could witness their sleeping beauty as she rested deep in relaxation. "Akira honey girl, time to go home." Auska said to their partner softly to ease her awake instead of a sudden awakening as they kissed the back of her head. She moaned as she opened her eyes turning to face Auska. Her eyes lagged behind in functionality and could only see a blurred Auska until her vision adjusted thirty seconds later.
She smiled and they picked her up gently and cradle-carried her out of the hospital making it home late at 7 pm. As she stood in the shower with Auska taking a shower at the same time with her, Auska noticed she seemed to be low-spirited. "Are you okay?" Auska asked as they held her shoulder that was drenched from the shower water. "I'm okay, I'm just tired." She answered with an airy voice, and Auska started to have questions, but they said nothing. They finished showering, and Auska dried off their partner with a towel. They felt like Akira wasn't the same. They did not want to pester her with it though, they knew she was stressed. In the morning, they heard Akira throwing up and gagging in the bathroom. They hurried up to be with her, holding back her knotted bedhead hair so her vomit did not get in her hair.
"It's okay, breathe, let it all out..." Auska was providing meaningful support to her that she desperately needed as she continued to throw up tan coloured vomit into the toilet. They caught a smell in the air that was coming from Akira, it was a different smell, the smell of absence, unlike her usual calming scent. "Are you okay? You sure are sick a lot." They asked her, they became worried for her since she was throwing up the night before as well. "I'm okay. My stomach is sensitive from my treatment yesterday." She said to them, in all total honesty, she did not know why she was sick frequently. It unnerved her.
"Want to walk to Central Park with me? You could use the fresh air in my opinion." They asked her, and she nodded her head after she released her last burst of vomit, gagging on the residue in her throat. "Come on, let's get you dressed and make you presentable." Auska said to their partner as they helped her off the floor after flushing her vomit that was now en route to the water treatment plant. They walked her back to her room and started to brush the knots out of her silky brown and knotted hair as she sat their bed. Their bed had finally been replaced with a double bed so the two had more room to toss and turn. "Let me know if I'm hurting you." They said to her as they had to aggressively rip the brush through her knots to untangle them. They did this in one spot for five minutes before tearing the brush through another section. The rough brushing was sedating to her, calming down her stomach.
They had taken about half an hour to finish her whole head of hair. "Ready for your clothes?" They asked her, handing over her clothes for her to put on. Auska started to dress themself in their standard outfit. They picked up the sound of someone panting so they turned around to see Akira struggling to dress herself without getting worn out. "Oh Honey-girl, do you want help?" They asked her in a delicate and soothing tone of voice. She felt pitiful for failing to dress herself, and her mood was worse than usual. She started crying as Auska helped get her clothes on her body. "It's okay, let it out. I'm here. Let it out." Auska calmly and gently said to her as they rubbed her now clothed back. They could tell she was upset. They noticed that she is not usually so upset by things however. She grabbed their sides and sobbed into their hoodie for ten minutes.
Her emotions upset her stomach, and she threw up on the floor, knocking down an alarm clock in the process. They got an alcohol wipe and cleaned the floor with it. They disposed of the wipe and took Akira out on a walk to settle her nerves and her stomach. They gave her a zofran to ensure she did not throw up in Central Park. The overload of traffic was riling her up. Auska could feel her unusual anger and it made them nervous. They became confused by her uncharacteristic and intense mood swings.
They walked the thirty minutes to Central Park, and Akira seemed relatively calmer than half and hour ago. Out of nowhere, a woman accidentally bumped into Akira without apologising. She internally exploded and lost it on her. "Hey! Watch where you're going you complete b-" Auska grabbed her from behind and shook her around as she fought them, trying to put her into a small trance to try and calm her down. "Calm down Honey-girl, easy... woah... you're on fire right now honey. Are you okay? You're incredibly moody. Our cycles aren't for another two weeks before we're at each other's throats." Akira immediately broke down sobbing dropping to her knees. "I'm okay, just a little depressed that's all." She said to her partner, she truthfully had no idea about her and her erratic moods. After several hours, the two got back home. "Yuuki we're home!" Auska yelled, there was no response. "Yuuki?" They called out, with the same result.
Akira then got incredibly nauseous and held her mouth with one hand, and her stomach with the other. There was a silent gagging from her. "You go let it out. I'll look for Yuuki." Auska told their partner and she ran to the bathroom on the main floor. Auska could hear their partner as they went up the hardwood stairs to the second floor to Yuuki's room. They knocked on her door before opening it to find her room unoccupied. Their "police mode" activated and they started to fully investigate her room. They left no paper or article of clothing unturned. The concerning factor in this was Yuuki's backpack was missing. She took that backpack everywhere she would go even when she was out on the streets on the weekend. They started to become suspicious and now ransacked her drawers. They found nothing and finally stuffed their hand into her pillowcases that were housing pillows. They felt a piece of paper so they took it out. They read the paper, and they immediately yelled to their still sick partner. They ran down the stairs and opened the bathroom door to see Akira gagging as she was lying on the floor. "Yuuki's missing. She ran away." Akira sat up, ejected vomit into the toilet, and read the note with tears in her eyes.
Dear Mom and Momma,
Why aren't we a normal family? People say we're weird and messed up. Anyway I can't take the bullying anymore. I've left. If you don't look for me, that's okay, I don't care.

Hidden Miracles
AdventureAuska Sakurai leads a pretty regular life in New York despite their mental health which can make their life in their own words "boring". One 17-year-old changes all of that.