🌈🎊~ Enchanting Grom Fright ~🎊🌈

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This chapter is very special! I hope you like it!


King sat on the couch, looking at dumb cat videos as Luz looked at a glyph on a flower through her magnifying glass.
"Come on, work this time..." Luz whispers. She draws the glyph, then, she taps it with her finger. A flower grows out of the paper, making Luz ecstatic. "Yes! Check it out King! My glyph skills are blossoming." Luz jokes. "You think that's impressive? Come check this out! Two warriors BATTLING TO THE DEATH!!!" King shouts. It was really just two tiny cats playing around with each other but no ones gonna tell King that. "So we can get wifi for cat videos, but I can't get enough sleep?" You emerge from around the corner, coming from upstairs.
You were already in your school uniform since you would be going soon. But, you were extra exhausted today. "Senseless violence! YES! ATTACK! DEATH IS YOUR GOD!!" King yells, cheering the cats on. "I regret teaching you about the internet." Luz says.
"Ha! What possible regrets could come from the internet? Ohh, did you know the earth is actually flat." King states. You deadpan, trying to figure out where and when King even found information like that. "Yep, that's not right." Luz snatched her phone away from King.
But right as she took it, her phone buzzed, alerting her that someone had texted her. 'How's camp today cariño?, Mama ❤️' It was Luz's mom. You had realised you had gotten a text the day before from your mom/dad. You checked your phone, seeing that she/he had sent you a text too. 'Is everything okay? Are you having fun? 💖💖' The text read. You sighed, texting back a quick 'yeah' and quickly shoved your phone back in your pocket. Luz freaked out, writing and then deleting multiple options. She decided to just send a thumbs up emoji and moved on. "Uh, good enough." Luz says. "Ah, a severed hand. Perfect response!" King said. "What am I supposed to say?! 'Hey mom, we're actually not at Camp! We're in the demon realm learning to be witches! Also, did you know demons and magic are real?!' . She. Will.
END ME." Luz says. "Yep, she'd make you see star-" Luz gave you an unappreciative look, hugging her knees as she sat on the floor.
"Nah, she'd be freaked out by our world anyway. So actually by keeping the truth from her, your doing her a favor!" King says.
You paused for a second, thinking about what King just said. "Wow, for once you ACTUALLY have a point there, King." You say, smirking.
"Always trust a shoulder demon!" King says. The door swings open as Hooty appears. "Hey Guys! Time to fill up those darling little heads of yours with-" Hooty throws up a couple of books. "Mmm-mm! Delicious Knowledge!" Hooty smiles. "Please hurry!" Gus pleads.
"The more I look at him, the more uncomfortable I get..!" Willow says. "Hoot-Hoot!" Hooty hoots. Luz throws finger guns at King, then she stands up and gives King a kiss on the head. You both walked towards the door, saying goodbye to King. "Don't look at those weird cat videos all day!" You say. "I forge my own path!" King shouts. He plays another cat video anyway and watches a video of a cat playing with its own tail. "What a dum-dum.." King says. His tail starts wagging and he hits it before immediately falling over. "Who has the energy?"

You look around at all the gold balloons and decorations around hexside, seeing everyone at school looking extra cheerful.
"It looks like a ball in here." You say. "Yep, somethings different today. Did everyone get a haircut?" Luz says. "Oh yeah! I forgot you guys have never been here for the social event of the season!" Willow says. "Welcome to your first-" Gus is interrupted by some guys wheeling in a cart. They tell him that the only cure to his disease is......to ask someone out to Grom! He asks Skara out and she happily says yes.
"Really? Grom? Prom? Does everything here on the boiling Isles have some twisted version of things in the human realm?" You chuckle, thinking of The "Regular" prom in the human world. "I was kicked out of our last school dance for dressing like an otter but maybe here I could be your Grom Queen!" Luz says. "That's uh...not something people usually sign up for..." Willow says. Just as Willow finishers her sentence, Amity comes from around the corner. She doesn't look where she's going, and bumps into you by accident. "Oof!" All of Amity's books fall to the floor. "Watch it, nitwit! Oh...hi Y/N, Luz. And co. Sorry about that." Amity apologizes, picking her books up. "It's fine, here." You help her up, pulling up by her hands. Suddenly, the speakers sound and Principal Bump's voice is heard. "Attention Hexside students, this is your principal speaking." Principal B. Begins. "Oh man this is it." Gus says. "He's announcing who will be this years grom royalty." Willow says. "This year, I have the privilege to bestow our highest grom honor to....."

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