"What have you done child?" she asked coldly. My face remained blank as I refused to answer her question; she didn't seem bothered by my lack of response as she peered down at me.
Her cold eyes scanned over my face, looking for any signs of weakness, her features darkened when I glared back at her. "Well then, my name is Mary," she said, her eyes never leaving mine.
I opened my mouth to reply but she beat be to it. "Oh honey, I already know who you are, you my dear are Ges Summers only child of Melanie and Blake Summers. You are an A+ student attending Lakewood high, you're never late to class and have never had a detention in your life." My mouth hung open as she recited my life story. "H-How did you get that kind of information?" I stuttered, trying to grasp the reality of it all. "I have my sources darling, as does everybody in this crazy world." Her reply left me silently dumbfounded. "Well then, now that we are better acquainted, let's begin," she said, a smirk playing on her lips. I remained silent as she continued, "I will be asking you a series of questions. Please try to cooperate."
"If I do will you let me go home," I asked hopefully. "Let's see how cooperative you are first, okay dear," she said cheerfully as I nodded numbly in response. "Now Ges, tell me about your childhood."
I replied almost instantly, hoping to get the questions over with, "There isn't much to tell, I had a great childhood with loving friends and family." She nodded at me to continue.
"I can only remember as far back as my sixth birthday, my parents told me that was the day I came back from the hospital, even though I can't remember ever going to a hospital. I do remember my arms were covered in needle holes and for weeks my mother would wrap my arms in tensor bandages, hoping no one would ask any questions." A smile broke out on Mary's face as she nodded in approval, "Fantastic now next question. How do you feel about animals?"
I asked, confusion lacing my voice, "What kind of a question is that?" Mary closed her eyes as an annoyed expression formed on her face. "Just answer the question Ges," she said slowly. "Fine, I guess you could say I like animals, I mean, our world would be a lot different without them and I think we take them for granted without even knowing it," I explained thoughtfully.She was silent for a moment as if going over my words in her head. "Okay last question. Do you have any idea why you are here?" she said lowly, looking me straight in the eye.
"No, I have absolutely no idea why I'm here; I just want to go home," my voice cracked, tears filling my eyes. The women remained silent face devoid of any emotion. "Alright thank you for your time Ges," she said professionally, as she headed for the door. "Wait, you said I could go home after answering your questions, you promised!" I yelled at her retreating body. She chuckled to herself looking back at me "I said no such thing," she said, before leaving me in the deafening silence of the empty room.
It wasn't long until the door opened, revealing an old white haired man, old enough to be my grandfather. Trailing behind him were two men in lab coats and Mary. A smile broke out on the old man's face as he saw me, it faltered as he saw the restraints on my wrists. He moved slowly as if scared he would spook me, I sat unmoving, cautiously watching his every step. "You have grown into a beautiful young women haven't you Ges?" he spoke softly.
"You don't know me," I spoke with confidence. "Oh on the contraire my dear I know you very well, I was there for your birth and all of your birthdays, well at least all of your birthdays till the age of six," he said, as if remembering long forgotten memories. "Do you think that I am just going to believe you, don't you think I would've remembered you?" I said, my voice raising a few octaves.
"You're right child, for I have no proof to show you the truth in my words," he replied. His statement only seemed to confuse me more. Mary stepped forward, placing a hand on the old man's shoulder, "I'll take it from here doctor." The old man shook his head furiously, "No Mary you know how much this means to me." With a sigh Mary nodded her head, stepping back.
I watched their interactions with curiosity, it was clear she cared dearly for the old man; she seemed to look up to him like a student would a mentor.
The old man took a deep breath as if mentally preparing himself. He looked me in the eye as he spoke, "Ges you are a very special person, for you have abilities no human has ever possessed," he paused, as I looked at him dumbfounded.
"You were conceived, not for love, or to start a family, but for science. Your parents worked here for most of their lives, studying animals and the abilities they had. They were able to inject certain animal genes into children at a young age, some injected with owl genes, some with wolf genes, and some with tiger genes," he said, pride shining in his eyes. "But never have we been able to create a human with more than one gene. We have tried injecting the genes in after birth, but the animal gene seemed to take over their body, making them vicious and wild. In the end the gene killed them."
I sat shocked, how could the man in front of me kill so many children and for what, science? He continued talking as if not noticing my shocked expression.
"But you Ges, you are special. Before you were conceived; both of your parents were injected with animal genes. The animal genes bonded with your own. Over the span of six years, our scientists injected you with different and more powerful animal genes, creating an almost super human. You my dear are the first human to ever withstand multiple animal genes at once." I sat there, unmoving, not knowing what to do "Sir, I think you are mistaken, I have no inhuman abilities, I am just plain normal," I said, trying to reason with the crazy man.
"That my dear is because the genes have yet to be activated. Once activated, you will be G.E.S., a Genetically, Engineered, Specimen," he said, excitement swirling in his eyes.
The two men in lab coats grabbed my arms as Mary unlocked the restraints letting my arms free, hope blossomed in my chest.
"Now Ges, I need you to trust me and stay still, all you will feel is a little pinch," he said, as he raised a small needle. He flicked the side of it making the clear liquid slosh against the glass. My eyes widened as he grabbed my wrist feeling for the vein, my breathing increased as I started kicking and screaming.
The two men grabbed my arms holding them in place. His fingers were cold as they slide along my arm. My fists were clenched, as hatred swirled in my eyes. I ground my teeth together as the point of the needle slide into my vein; the liquid forcing itself into my bloodstream.
My body ignited with fire, I screamed while the pain increased, tears streamed down my face as I ripped my arms out of the men's grasps. I pushed them away; they flew into the wall, their bodies lying limp and unmoving.
Shouting invaded my ears as I saw the old man trying to calm me down. Fury spread throughout my body, shoving the man to the ground. My fingers grasped the needle deeply embedded in my wrist, yanking it out. I shattered it with my hand. The sharp glass imbedded itself in my hand but I felt nothing, my body was taken over by pain and fury.
I jumped out of the chair, knocking down Mary as another wave of pain shook my body causing me to fall to my knees. I clamped my hands over my ears trying to block out the deafening sound of alarms that penetrated my senses. My eyes darted around as more people in lab coats flooded the room. My body seemed to drain of strength while my vision started to fade.
An animalistic growl ripped through my throat as I struggled to push them away, slowly my eyes started to droop as I succumbed to the darkness.

FantasyGes Summers (pronounced Jes) had a good life, parents who loved her, an amazing best friend, and she was going to college in a year. Though she loved her life, she always secretly wished her life was more adventurous and challenging. But be careful...