Simple. People who are enemies of the MGS. Keep in mind, in order to be an enemy, they must've done something bad. Enemies cannot randomly be proclaimed.
One of the magical girls must keep track of the enemy sheet list, containing every enemy of the MGS, and which ones are defeated.
If an enemy if defeated, write "Defeated" next to their name.
Another magical girl must keep track of the battles with the enemies, so it can go down in magical girl history!!
If an enemy turns to the good side, simply tell the enemy list holder to cross their name out, and of course, give proof as to why they deserve to be crossed out. An enemy can even become a member of the MGS, if proven to be worthy (that has happened before).

Magical Girl Guidebook - Laws & Everything
RandomThis is the Magical Girl Guidebook. This will teach you about all things magical girl, and will help you further become one, or advance as one.