Chapter 77

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"Is he always like that?" Trenil remarked with a calm tone as we passed another group of strangers.

"Like what?" Minna tilted her head to glance at me, and I just blinked back at her. We were just walking through the city, and I was bored.

"Relaxed. Unconcerned." Trenil pointed at another group of Kymari they were walking towards. "Ivy has gotten better around strangers, but I can still feel her tense up a little every time we pass somebody. But he doesn't seem to be bothered by them; I haven't even seen him move to a different shoulder to get further away."

"Oh. Yes, I've noticed that about him. He can get overwhelmed around large groups, which I think is a result of him living alone for so long, but other than that he's fine. He never even growled when he met Arlia and Terron. I don't think he would have let them touch him then, but he wasn't aggressive or trying to hide from them."

"Interesting. That means it is possible to get them used to being around us on a general level. Some technique we haven't figured out yet that can help make them more comfortable, even if it's just a matter of raising them when they are young."

"Maybe." Minna sounded doubtful. "Though it might not be worth doing even if we do learn what it is. Have the archaeologists found anything else out about them?"

"Nothing. They thought they were onto something about a week ago when they found references to a flying animal that was known for making a lot of noise during the sunrise... but they ultimately learned that only the male of that species does it. And apparently the noise of those 'chickens' is quite unpleasant; most of the references are of people losing sleep and getting annoyed by them 'crowing'. It's hard to imagine anyone describing the dance of the fire lizards in such a way."

"Ivy, quick, cluck like a chicken."

"Ha. Ha. It's a good thing Trenil's holding on to the leash; I almost fell off his shoulder from laughing at that one."

"Some species have strange tastes when it comes to art. Still, I agree that doesn't sound like them."

Trenil nodded. "Yes. I'm beginning to think we won't find any help in what survived. With any luck it will just be a case of raising them around Kymari from a young age, and not any special training or conditioning that they need."

We passed by another group of Kymari. This time I watched Ivy, and I saw her fidget and shift slightly away from them.

"I still have trouble believing how comfortable he is. I know what your notes said, but... even Tasha still hisses at people. But him, nothing." Trenil watched me carefully, and I could tell he was thinking about something.

I tilted my head in response to Trenil's examination and thought back at Ivy. "Would it make him feel better if I just attacked somebody? I don't get what the big deal is."

"He's just not sure what to make of it. He knows a lot of our problems around Kymari come from how we were treated by humans in that lab, even if he doesn't know all the details, so he's not used to one of us not being terrified of them. He'll get used to it eventually. Your cover story of being kept as a pet is a good one."

"At the very least it will save you a lot of trouble. With all the cargo ships directed to our city for inspection, you'll probably be working mostly with passenger ships. Ivy does well enough with the small crew of a freighter, but I would not want to trap her on a ship full of people boarding and disembarking. Nate, on the other hand... I wonder. Do you mind if I try something?" Trenil paused in the street and moved Ivy's leash to his other hand.

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