Chapter 15

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School had started up again today and my social battery was drained from hanging out with everyone all the time. Don't you just love Mondays?

I got up and decided to pull out some Chanel for my outfit today and straighten my hair, I needed the energy boost.


By the time lunch rolled around news had spread that Hawk had somehow driven Robby away from me at the beach yesterday? Please as if he could tell me what to do. I grab my lunch tray and begin walking to where Miguel and Demetri were sitting, but before I could sit a specific voice had turned my head. 

"Yeah, she was practically begging me to chase him off." Hawk smirked, boasting to his friends behind him. 

"I can't believe you thought Vere and Robby were dating Assface." A guy from the group stated as a chorus of laughter started. 

"You're telling me they didn't look like they were dating?" Mitch asked obviously frustrated that he was the target of their jokes. 

"Come on guys, give Assface a break" Hawk smirks, "obviously Robby couldn't handle Vera so she asked me to chase him off." 

I walk behind Hawk and drape my arm on his shoulders before speaking.

"Oh that's right isn't it Penguin? So do you wanna tell all these karate friends what you specifically did to chase him off?" I innocently ask. I could feel Hawk tense up next to me, he wasn't expecting me to play along. I lift my head before whispering in his ear. "Two can play this game you know? Now if you don't want to get laughed at in front of your friends I suggest you shut it." I pull my head back out, walk out and smile nicely at him and his gang. "Now, go take my lunch and put it at your table yeah?"

Hawk look ticked off at my comments, but he knows he can't talk back to me, not if he wants his reputation to proceed him.

"Whatever." He grumbles as he slowly makes his way over to the table.

I cross my feet and spin a 180 to the boys behind me. But before I could speak a cute guy with green eyes who I didn't recognize pushed his way to the front.

"Hey Vera, I was wondering if I could sit next to you today." He states as he bows a little.

Now, this is a scene you don't want to miss.

"Oh.. uh yeah okay sure." I awkwardly say as I led the rest of the guys to the table.

Walking somewhere with guys trailing behind you is the best feeling, the immense power you feel? Yeah, I'll definitely get used to this. 

Once I get to my designated spot a chair was being pulled out allowing me to sit. I had originally thought it was cute green eyes, but wouldn't you know it was Hawk all along. I guess he thought I'd embarrass him more.

"Aw everyone look how cute Flamingo's being to me right now." Another chorus of snickers comes from the table as all the guys try and avoid Hawk's intense glare. I immediately sit down and I could feel Hawk's arm on the back of my chair. "Isn't it cute Penguin?" I turn my head and bat my eyelashes at a furious Hawk.

"Yeah, fine it's cute now stop calling me these random bird names Verena."

"What? You want me to call you Lip again, is that it?" I say as I move my thumb to Hawk's lip again and outline it with my thumb. "It is a cool scar though I want one." Hawk starts getting uncomfortable and tenses up. "Yeah, I think my nicknames are just fine, Hawk." I reply and move my thumb back. As I called him Hawk again, his body instantly loosens up and his arm around my chair became less tense around me.

A voice to my left interrupts the moment. It was cute green eyes again.

"So Vera would you go out with me?"

I turn my attention back to him and he has this hopeful look on his face. "Yeah, I'm not sure about that one, you'd have to ask Kreese, dating another student in the dojo seems too problematic." I reply. Instantly the lunch table groans with a chorus of complaints.

"Ugh come on!"


"Damnit Kreese."

"It's okay baby girl no one has to know."

"Vera I'll do anything, please love me!"

"Oh." Cute green eyes says as he looks back to his lunch and ignores the rejection from me.

"Are you and Hawk not dating?" Chris asks naively

I laugh before leaning back on my chair.

"You honestly think me and blue mohawk are a thing?" I question, my laughter dies down as I wipe my fake tear off. "Yeah no I'm more of a red mohawk kind of girl, red's so much hotter." I respond sarcastically while fanning my face. "Now if Hawk has red hair, I'd date him."

Hawk has a slight smirk on his face as he was still slouched back on the chair scrolling through his phone.

Lunch went by with a breeze, halfway through I called Miguel and Demetri to come over and join us and we all ended up talking about karate and trying to get more recruits for grandpa Kreese.


Jex ✰

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