Chapter 6

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Two months later -

I have sold my home to a lovely couple around my age that are having their second child in three months, and they have a 3-year-old daughter. I have rented a new to use, four bedroom home next door to Adam. I cleared this move with Jaycob and the court. The court order now states I have to meet Jaycob halfway for the drop off and pick up of our children. I work at the law firm that Adam works at for one of the other lawyer's P.A.; yes, Adam is a lawyer.

The kids and I moved into our new home three weeks now, and I started my new job two weeks ago. The four kids each have their own bedrooms, and I turned the basement into my bedroom. Adam, my parents, and Jaycob helped us move. Yes, Jaycob helped us move, as he wanted to see where the kids were going to be living, and he wanted to spend the time with the kids.

I gave Mr. Hill notice of my new job, and he wasn't happy I was leaving, but he understood. Mr. England had been at Mr. Hill's office every damn day until I took out a Personal Protection Order against him for harassment.

"Papa, we're hungry," Anakin softly states as he and the twins enter the living room where I just finished rocking Han to sleep for his afternoon nap.

"Okay, let me lie Han down, and the I will make you guys a snack," I murmur with a smile as I stand from the chair to lie Han on the couch.

Covering Han with the black and blue checkered throw blanket from the back of the couch. Grabbing a couple of throw pillows off the other end of the couch, I place this on the edge of the couch in case Han rolls, so he doesn't fall off the couch.

Heading into the kitchen, I make the three older kids, I cut up celery and spoon peanut butter onto the stalks, and milk for their snack. Sitting at the table with them, we talk about their upcoming week at their new private school. The kids seem to be enjoying the new school, and they have made new friends, too. Anakin, Luke and Leia each had a friend over last weekend from their old school though.

"Papa, are you going to have a boyfriend like dad?" Anakin questions with curious eyes as they eat.

Jaycob is still dating the guy I caught him with.

"Someday, hopefully soon I do," I tell him honestly. "Why are you asking, An?"

He shrugs his thin shoulders while saying; "I want you happy like dad seems to be with Joseph."

As far as I can tell and from what the kids say, Joseph treats them well while they are at Jaycob's.

"I appreciate that, baby, but as long as you and your siblings are happy then I am happy," I tell him with a sincere smile while brushing his hair off his forehead.

"My new friend Ashton has a single uncle named Weston that you might like," he hopefully states with an excited smile.

Raising an eyebrow at him, I ask; "Do you know if his uncle's last name is James?"

Anakin nods his head slowly with his mouth hanging open slightly; "Yeah! That is also Ashton's last name. How did you know this?"

Lightly chuckling at his expression, I tell him; "Uncle Adam told me about his co-worker, Weston James a while ago. Remember the couple of times you guys stayed with him because I had a date?"

When Anakin nods, I continue; "I went out with Weston those times."

"That's so cool!" he cheers softly so he doesn't wake Han, and Leia and Luke cheer, too, even if they have no idea why. "I have met him a few times when he picked Ashton up from school! Are you guys going on another date soon?"

Smiling at my wonderful son; "Yeah, we are when you guys are with dad on Friday. Weston and I have a date that night."

"Nice! Please be hums boyfriend, and then one day get married to him!" Anakin requests excitedly as he bounces slightly in his seat with a huge grin.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, An," I chuckle, and I am glad he is excited about this probability. "Weston and I are getting to know each other better before either of those things could possibly happen."

"At lease you and Weston are doing this instead of how dad and Joseph got together," he grumbles causing me to frown at him confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask tentatively, hoping he isn't talking about what I think he is.

Anakin frowns at me as he quickly glances at his siblings before looking back at me; "Papa, I know what they did while you and dad were married."

My jaw drops in shock; "You know about that? How do you know about that?"

Anakin shrugs as he replies; "I over heard dad and Joseph talking about it one day while we were there."

Fuck, that isn't good! I never wanted the kids to know the full truth on why Jaycob and I divorced. I never wanted them to think badly or differently about their dad.

"An, don't be angry with your dad about this," I quickly tell him. "Dad loves you, and your siblings so much!"

"If he can do that to people he loves, then I don't want him to love me, and forget about us if he and Joseph have a kid together," he grumbles angrily. "If they have a kid together are they gonna forget about us?"

"No, dad will never forget about you guys, even if they have a baby together," I instantly assure him while wrapping my arm around his shoulders to pull him gently into my side, and kiss his temple.

"Do you promise, papa?" He asks in a tearful voice.

"I promise, baby boy," I assure him with another kiss to his temple.

I need to have a conversation with Jaycob about this, so he is aware of Anakin's concern, and hopefully they will have a good talk.

"How about I call uncle Adam to see if he wants to hang out with us tonight?" I ask him, hoping this takes his mind off all of this.

"Yes!" he quickly answers, pulling back with a big smile which makes me happy.

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