1: Where The Rabbit Hole Leads

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"I think you're fucking crazy." The soldier said, shaking his head. Sanyu gave him a curious look, silently asking him to elaborate.

"Well come on." The man said, gesturing to where Sanyu was adjusting his clothes and the door to the plane. "You don't even have a chute. You're basically committing suicide.".

"I can fly, sir. You should have been briefed on that." The boy said, zipping up the chest pocket of his jacket. It was a worn, black military style coat with two dog tags hanging off the zipper he had just closed up.

The stripes on his futuristic black combat suit glowed softly with the power pulsing out of his skin. He tightened the thin protective vest around his chest before zipping up the jacket fully. The 15 year old hero tapped his boot by the toes on the metal floor of the aircraft and watched as the doors opened.

White wisps of light gathered around his hands and feet. The soldier made a shocked sort of noise and just shook his head. "Good luck out there, Supernova." He said. Sanyu nodded seriously and jumped out of the plane.

The wind whipped through what had grown back of his hair after he buzzed it last. As much as he liked the length but it was inconvenient for the job. He'd probably buzz it off some time soon. Sanyu took a deep breath and channeled the power into his extremities, feeling it form jets at his hands and feet.

Without any warning, the world around him flashed purple. An all encompassing colour that blurred his vision, rocking his body with thousands of tiny tremors.

-------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- ------- --------- ----------

"Is he going to be okay?" Keigo felt his voice waver as he spoke.

The doctor looked at him with a tired but sympathetic look. It was 2 am, so no doubt she had been on shift for hours at this point. They had just flooded the hospital with hostages and heroes that needed help. "He's survived the impossible, we have no idea what's going to happen to him." The woman informed him. Keigo's stare hardened and he nodded.

He was just so small.

The boy's breathing was labored and heavy. He was gasping with every breath while the nurses debated intubating him with a breathing tube. His face was bruised heavily on the left side, but the right was fairly unharmed. He was shirtless with all sorts of wires on his chest. He looked malnourished. Keigo had seen worse, but that didn't mean the situation was good.

The kid's hair was on the shorter side and was plastered to his body with sweat. His features were twisted in agony but still he didn't wake up.

Keigo felt his heart clench.

They should have been faster. His thing was speed, he should have been there.

But he didn't know the boy existed. No one did. They thought the group had failed and were going to kill the hostages.

Imagine the hero's reaction when he saw the kid crumpled in the corner of the building, shaking and on the verge of.

It didn't look like he was from another world.

He looked pretty normal for a kid in their early teens. About Keigo's height, a little on the thin side but he had quite a bit of muscle on his body. His skin was impossibly pale but Keigo assumed that was due to the shock and injuries.

Keigo had to keep reminding himself that the kid wasn't normal. That he was a being from another world that was more powerful than All Might. Whatever this kid's quirk was, it was strong and probably dangerous.

But Keigo couldn't bring himself to be afraid of the kid. Maybe he just came from a world where quirks were naturally stronger. He could be just some random kid, not a supervillain or world ending monster like the police already speculated.

The room quieted as the nurses finished easing the breathing tube into the boy's nose. Keigo cringed as a bit of blood dripped down towards his lip. The hero jumped into action, wiping it himself before anyone had a chance to. He threw the tissue in the garbage but spun around when he heard a whimper from the boy.

He was back at the bedside in a moment's notice.

The nurses filed out of the room leaving just Keigo and the doctor. "You shouldn't get attached." The doctor, who's name tag said their last name was 'Tenma' said. She pulled back the thin hospital sheets to reveal that the boy was strapped down to the bed with quirk suppressing cuffs at his wrists and ankles. "The police are wary of him. You could very well get your heart broken.".

"It sounds like you're telling me not to get attached to a puppy in a shelter." The hero half joked. The doctor didn't say anything after that.

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It was two days after the boy from another world arrived when his case file landed itself on detective Tsukauchi's desk.

There wasn't much on him in the file. His dental records showed he was 13-15 years old, a wide age range but that would be easy to narrow down. He had been in the hands of Tomorrow for nearly a week at this point and had been tortured the entire time. Currently he was asleep with three broken ribs and severe bruising.

They had been unable to test his blood. It just didn't work. Something was fundamentally off about his blood cells. So they couldn't test for a quirk match either. Tsukauchi assumed the blood test came back that way because of his quirk. Alternatively humans in that other world of his could have different blood.

If the person was human in the first place.

He had his work cut out for him. The detective started by making some calls to U.A asking for Nezu and Power Loader to come take a look at some of the tech they had taken off the kid. A futuristic suit that vaguely resembled hero outfits they had in this world had been taken off of him immediately. He also had some sort of communication device that attached to his ear and a singular strange boot.

He'd call the hospital and ask them to send over any tech they had. Maybe they could check it for information on who the kid was. Beyond that' he'd have to wait for him to wake up before they could do anything.

There was one last tiny detail he personally had to make sure got accomplished.

Someone had to call All Might.


Yet another fic! I love starting new projects. 

I've got to say, this is probably one of my most ambitious fics to date. There's a lot of planning and lore that went into creating this 😊

I also wanted to assure you guys that Hound Dog (who got the second most votes) will be playing a big role in this fic. I loved the idea too much to leave him out and he doesn't get nearly enough attention in the series. 

Sanyu's quite the branch off from my typical, fluffy goofy protagonists, although they're all pretty different now that I think about it 😅. 

Still, he's pretty out there for me. 

Stay tuned for more! 

(I say this knowing full well I'm posting the second chapter directly after this one because I can't wait for people to read it 😂) 

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