8: School Can Be Rough

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Disclaimer - I really wanted to put Ectoplasm in this story because he's a hero and an amputee. He and Sanyu have a lot in common. But he also doesn't have a name 😭 so I just refer to him by his hero name throughout the chapter! 


Ectoplasm was painfully aware of the stare of the new student.

He wasn't looking at the board. Nor was he looking at his textbook. He wasn't even looking at the hero's face, which would also be acceptable in a lecture style class.

No, no, the kid was staring at his legs. Unblinkingly. Oyama's eyes were locked to the prosthetics.

Now, he was used to the stares. It wasn't every day someone met a double amputee. He moved differently than a person with both legs would, he understood that. Kids stared all the time and he didn't mind.

But this was a student, not a child on the train. People over the age of 12 had a limit to the amount of time they could stare before it was considered rude and Oyama had exceeded that. By a lot.

He continued on with the lesson like nothing was happening, but it was awkward.

And yet he couldn't bring himself to call the boy out.

If it had been any other student he would have made a joke about his legs not helping them pass or that he was going to bore a hole through the prosthetic if he kept staring like that. But something inside him was telling him not to say anything.

So he didn't. Ectoplasm went on with the lesson like nothing weird was going on and ignored Oyama's stare.

Until the bell went for them to change periods. The kids stayed in their class all day, it was the teachers that moved unless the lesson had to be somewhere else so he just turned to the new student and did his best to smile.

"Oyama, could you follow me?" He asked, trying not to give anything away. The boy nodded and stood up, walking over to the front of the classroom.

Aizawa opened the door right as the pair were leaving the classroom. "I'm stealing Oyama for a little while." Ectoplasm informed him.

The teacher looked a little surprised but then gave the math teacher a strange look. "Alright. If you could show him to Hound Dog's office right after that would be great. He's supposed to meet with him this afternoon." Aizawa said blankly. Ectoplasm nodded and the pair left the room.

They walked in silence to the teacher's offices. Ectoplasm settled in at his desk and watched as Sanyu remained standing.

"Take the extra chair and sit down." He instructed, his voice light. Oyama grabbed the chair and sat down, ramrod straight.

"I'm sorry sir." He said. The teacher was a bit taken aback.

"What for?" He inquired. "For staring so much, sir. That was rude." The student responded.

Ectoplasm felt his lips curve up a little. Well, whatever lips he had. At least the kid was polite. "I understand being shocked, but I've never had someone your age give me that reaction before." He said. Oyama stared at the ground, unmoving. Like he was preparing for some sort of punishment.

"Somehow I don't think your staring was malicious. Do you have any questions you'd like to ask maybe?" He suggested. Oyama hesitated.

"I-" He stopped himself, rethinking the question. "What is it like, missing both legs and being a hero?" The boy asked finally.

"Well it's definitely different from before when I had them both. A little more interesting balance wise but with my quirk I don't have to do a lot of running or anything. It's manageable. It can be painful though.".

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