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Y/n couldn't wait. One night, Y/n woke up Lisa silently.

Lisa slept in the same bed as Jason. Lisa hummed quietly.

"We have to go." Y/n whispered.

Lisa nodded. Y/n grabbed the two backpacks full of Y/n's and Lisa's stuff. He slowly and quietly pulled Lisa to front door.

Y/n and Lisa left the house in the middle of the night. Y/n didn't know where they were going, but they had to leave town. Now. Somewhere far away. Y/n had stole some money from Jason, and got some from Kurapika.

Y/n and Lisa got on a train, and they left town.

"Y/n." Lisa broke the long silence. "What if we get caught...?"


"He'll probably kill me, honestly." Y/n dryly chuckled.

The air grew solemn.

"Y/n... We should turn back—"

"I don't care, Mother. As long as you're safe." Y/n smiled. "I don't want you to be hurt or touched."

Lisa hugged Y/n.

"Thank you for protecting me, Y/n." Lisa smiled.

"Of course, Mother. How can I not?"

Lisa and Y/n laughed quietly together. Maybe this was the Freedom that Y/n always wished for?

Y/n felt bubbly and free with his mother like this. He never wanted this to end.

Y/n phone rang a few minutes later. Y/n answered it.

"Kurapika?" Y/n asked.

"How far are you out of town?" Kurapika whispered very quietly.

"Why are you so quiet?" Y/n asked.

"Your Jason's goons are here at my house, looking for you two." Kurapika explained in the same quiet voice.

"Damn." Y/n cursed.

This worried Lisa.

"He already knows, this isn't good." Y/n muttered to himself.

Lisa heard this. She was scared to death. Lisa held her stomach with fear.

Y/n heard a loud bang in the background of the call.

"HEY! WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO!?" A male voice boomed.

"Gotta go! Stay safe!" Kurapika tells Y/n, and abruptly hangs up.

"I hope Kurapika will be okay..." Y/n muttered

"W-we should turn back..." Lisa tells Y/n. "I don't want you to get hurt..."

"No. It's too late to go back now." Y/n shook his head sadly. "We have to continue pushing forward, okay? We can't look back."

Lisa nodded reluctantly. "Okay..."


It was the afternoon. Y/n and Lisa were walking around a town a few towns away from home. Y/n knew it wasn't far enough, but his mother needed to rest in a bed.

Y/n was looking for a cheap but decent hotel to crash at for the night.

"Y/n..." Lisa held her mouth and stomach. "I don't feel good..."

Lisa ran to the nearby grass and started vomiting. Y/n worriedly rubbed Lisa's back.

"Mother..." Y/n anxiously waited for Lisa to finish.

Lisa finished a few minutes later. Y/n gave Lisa a water bottle, which she happily drank.

"Y/n..." Lisa mumbled. "Im pregnant by Jason..."

Y/n stared in bewilderment.

"What?" Y/n questioned in utter shock. "What do you mean!?"

"Y/n... I didn't want to have this conversation with you, but, when two people hormones—"

"Stop, stop, stop." Y/n waved his hands frantically. "I know how, but... Why? Did he force you, mom...?"

Lisa shook her head. "No... I wanted to do it with him. I want to give you another sibling... A good one."

"Mother... But why Jason?" Y/n asked gently.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not getting rid of the baby." Lisa tells Y/n, a bit afraid of his reaction.

"I'm can't force you to get rid of the baby, it's your decision, but just don't raise them to be like Jason."

Lisa nodded. "I promise I won't."

"Hey." A voice called from a bit away.

Y/n and Lisa looked. It was, possibly, a boy with a hat on, trying to cover his silver-ish white hair, and big thick black glasses that was obviously a disguise. The boy didn't want to be recognized for some reason.

The boys clothes were expensive looking. It was expensive brands, that Jay and Jamey had in their closet as well.

"Do you two need help?" The boy questioned.

Y/n warily nodded at the boy.

"Come with me." He tells Y/n and Lisa.

Y/n wiped Lisa's mouth, and then helped her to the boy.

The boy started walking to hotel, with Y/n and Lisa behind him.

"I'll take you two to a hotel for a few nights. How about that?" The boy questioned.

"Why?" Y/n narrowed his eyes.

"I'm the assassin sent to bring you back to my employer. But you two are nothing more than a teenage boy and a pregnant woman."

"Since when do assassin's not do as they're told?" Y/n raised a brow.

"Since I became an assassin." The boy stated in a slightly proud tone.

"And you're shorter than me. Aren't you a teenager too? Or maybe a ten year old." Y/n snickered.

"I'm fourteen, thank you very much!" The boy snapped a bit.

Y/n just laughed. "Sure. Shortie."

"Y/n, dear, don't tease the assassin..." Lisa gently scolded.

"Sorry, Mother." Y/n apologized.

They get to the hotel, and it's big and expensive.

"I'll play for three nights and four days. You'll be safe here for those three night and four days. On the fourth night, you have to get out of town, and fast, got it? My family will be after you, and they're not nice like me." The boy warns.

"Thank you..." Y/n waited for a name.

"Just call me Gin, and I'll call you Freckles."

Y/n forgot to put make up on. His freckles were exposed, and they were a dead give away. He would need to cover them up, and quickly.

The Gin turned to Lisa. "And I'll call you Lady Freckles."

Lisa didn't have freckles, so she didn't under stand the name, but didn't say a word about it.

"Alright." Lisa nodded.

"Good. Go on inside, your room is ready for you. Remember. Four days and three nights. Night four. Run."

Y/n nodded. "Thank you, Gin."

Gin gave a slight nod. He turned and left.

Y/n pulled Lisa into the hotel and got their room. He remembered Gin's words.


So that was Y/n's plan to do.


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