L e v e l: 42

987 92 46

Double update!! 🥳 make sure u read chapter 41!!

"I've never heard of that boy," Hoseok says, raising an eyebrow at the two strangers. "But if you help my friend, I'll help out. I'm not interested in the reward money or anything, I just want my friend to get help."

"Of course," the woman says. "How badly is he injured? Was he bit?"

"Shot. The bullet is still in his leg."

She then pulls out a flashlight. It flickers a bit before turning on. She points it around the room and stops when the light shine on Hoseok. For a moment, the two of them stare at him and then they gasp.

"Y-you're....you're infected?" The man asks, lifting his bat again.

Hoseok rolls his eyes. Yes, his eyes may be grey and lifeless but he is very much alive. Infected? Yes. But he hasn't eaten anyone. Yet.

"If I were infected I'd be eating you, not talking to you. Now come help my friend." Hoseok scoffs before opening the door to the attached room. Seokjin and Taehyung immediately look up and frown in confusion.

"Let her help you, Tae. She's a doctor." He explains as the lady approaches him and sets her own supplies down while the guy closes the door. Taehyung is hesitant but he allows the lady to touch his wound, hissing in pain.

Hoseok notices the guy is staring at him weirdly and he brings his hands up by his face, fingers making tiger claws. And then he bares his teeth.

"Rawr." He says very lamely. The guy flinches violently and steps back a bit.

Hoseok chuckles. "What's your name, coward?"

The man takes his time, clearing his throat and adjusting his clothing. He's still a good distance away from Hoseok. "My name is Minhyuk. And she goes by Soo."

Hoseok nods and glances down at Seokjin who is still holding Taehyung's hand. He almost smiles at the sight. He's noticed they've been together more recently and he may be a tiny bit jealous but at least Taehyung has another person to comfort him. Hoseok just wishes they could go back to what they had but he knows it'll take time. But he still misses his Taehyungie and he still loves him as a brother.

"I'm Hoseok, my friends are Seokjin and Taehyung." He introduces, Minhyuk nodding along.

"You guys heading to the safe camp?" Soo asks as she properly cleans Taehyung's wound and her tweezers. Seokjin holds the flashlight.

"It's dead there." Seokjin answers, his voice is small. Quiet. The safe camp was traumatizing for all of them.


"Yes." Hoseok says. "Everyone there is dead now."


"Where are they?" Jiwoo sighs as she stares out of the window. Trash and abandoned cars littered the streets and she has yet to see any sort of life form walking about. She's been staring out of the window for an hour now, and refused food when Yoongi offered. It's an hour after sunrise. They've been gone for about 12 hours. No other supply runs have taken this long. Something must be wrong.

"Maybe they found a bunch of stuff and are having trouble bringing it back?" Jimin tries to comfort, though it's obvious he's concerned too.

"What if...they got cornered by zombies last night?" Namjoon suggests. He had been up all night waiting for them to return, only getting about four hours of sleep.

Jeongguk glares at him, crossing his arms over his chest. He's distraught as well but is trying so hard not to seem like he is. "Hyungie said zombies sleep at night. They couldn't have cornered them."

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No one has the heart to tell him otherwise.

There was no more food. Despite rationing and stretching it as much as they could, it can only go so far with eight mouths and a dog to feed. (And Pepper, Jeongguk's turtle.) There was expired bread that had mold spores on it but they still ate it, picking off the parts that were green and fuzzy. But now, there was nothing. And if Seokjin, Hoseok, and Taehyung don't return soon, they'd have to send another group out.

"I'm going out there," Jiwoo suddenly huffs, heading to the door to slip on her shoes. But Yoongi is quick to stop her.

"No," he states sternly. He stands in front of her, maybe a couple inches taller than she it. "Let's just wait a little longer."

"That's my brother out there," she scoffs, pushing his shoulder. Yoongi winces, stepping back. Jimin steps between the two, sighing.

"Let's not argue." He says, glancing between them. "Hoseok would want us to stay put."

The girl looks towards the window, sighing harshly. Ushed tears glistened in her eyes. "He's my little brother. He's almost died once, I won't let it happen again."

"Nobody will." Jeongguk says, approaching the three of them. "But Hoseokie hyung would want us to stay."

She returns to staring out of the window. Jeongguk looks to Yoongi with a frown. He wants to be comforted. Wants to be reassured that everything will be okay and everyone will be safe. Yoongi steps closer to him, his smaller frame pressing against the taller boy as he brings him into a hug. Jeongguk didn't have to say anything. Yoongi already knew.

"They'll be back soon, Gguk." He mutters quietly and the boy wraps his arms around him tightly.

It's a little strange. Yoongi's never really initiated physical contact with anyone besides Jimin and even then, it's done behind closed doors. So for him to hug Jeongguk is a bit of a surprise but it's certainly welcomed. And Jeongguk holds on to him a little longer than he should, inhaling Yoongi's scent and saving this moment in his memory.

"I-I see them!" Jiwoo shouts, tapping the glass on the window. They were walking down the street with two other people, but she can recognize her brother anywhere.

"Where?!" The others ask but she wastes no time in removing the barricades from the door. After peeking out the window and verifying it, they help her unblock the door. Hoseok, Seokjin, and Taehyung approach the door, Taehyung being held up by the two of them meanwhile strangers stay behind to make sure zombies aren't following them.

"Hyung! W-what happened?!" Jeongguk gasps as he sees the two of them drag Taehyung into the house. No one is sure which hyung he was talking to, but Seokjin answers.

"We were attacked and had to hide," he grunts as he sets Taehyung on the couch next to Namjoon. There's mixed sounds of confusion throughout the room.

Namjoon stands up, ignoring the pain from his wound and cups Seokjin's cheek. He's cold from being outside, nose tinted a light pink. "I'm glad you're okay." He says quietly, staring into Seokjin's eyes.

The older male places a hand on too of Namjoon's, smiling weakly at him. "Of course I'm okay. I told you I'd make it back, remember?"

Namjoon smiles and nods, pressing a small kiss to Seokjin's little red nose. He then steps back a bit and turns to Taehyung who Jimin was currently fussing over. He examines the bandages wrapped around his leg and the dazed look in Taehyung's eyes. His face is smudged with dirt, probably from falling over, and dried tear streaks stain his cheeks.

"What happened with Tae?" Jeongguk speaks before he can ask and Namjoon looks back to Seokjin for an answer.

"We were attacked by a mutated zombie." Hoseok replies, busy with unpacking the supplies. Jiwoo is right beside him, helping.

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