After WW2 the world was divided between the axis powers. Bulgaria gained the entire balkans and most of the middle east as well. But tension was rising. Its getting clearer day by day that the Japaneese German alliance was more of an alliance for convenience than anything. So nstead of a cold war between the US and the Soviet Union, its a Cold War between the German Reich and The Empire of Japan. Germanies allies include Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, and Russia. While Japans allies include Indonesia, Thailand, and Australia. The cold war started in 1947 when Bulgaria suspended diplomatic ties from Japan over land in India. Germany followed suspending diplomatic ties with Japan in late 1947. The korean peninsula is not dividd since its all under japaneese rule so the first cold war conflict will happen in India/the raj. The subcontinent will be didived into 2 a pro European Facism vs a pro Japaneese Facism. The war sees some heavy fighting and the Indian subcontinent will be divided into 2, East India and West India. The next conflict will happen in Central America. The region is divided into 2 a pro European one one in the north and a pro Japaneese one in the south. In this timeline instead of Germany getting divided its the USA and the city thats divided is NYC instead of Berlin. Bulgaria however is struggling to keep its empire, the government is to weak and the empire is unstable. Bulgarias position is more of the Italy/Austro-Hungary of the pro europeans. Hitler also thinks less of The southern europeans which causes some friction. One by one places start going independent since Bulgaria is to weak to handle multiple sepratist movements at once. The first to gain independence is Trukey. Tho Bulgaria still has Istanbul and Turkeys old European lands. Second to go is Tunisia and then an Ethiopean-Somalian union gained independence and it looks like West India might gain independence as well and unite with India. Hitler was starting to get worried that so he took care of west India instead. In this timeline since he didnt kill himself hitler died in the late 1960s. And the new leader couldnt bring the german empire togather. Whats worse is that Bulgarias leader in thia timeline Hristo Lukov also died a few years after leaving The entire Pro european side in chaos. Japan took advantage of this by funding independence movements in German and Bulgarian territory. Soon Germany and Bulgaria lost most of their territories. And after that a revolution happens in Germany and the German Reich is Dissolved. The cold war ends when Hirohito also dies in in the late 1980s and just like Bulgaria and Germany the empire collapsed. Some occupied territories during the cold war like The USA and Inida Unite while some stayed diivided like Central America or Egypt. The people realise that killing jews is a bad thing and now, no country is a faicst government.
3rd Bulgarian Empire (Alt History)
Historical FictionWhat if Bulgaria won 2nd balkan war and formed the 3rd bulgarian empire? Find out now!