118 baby (Eddie)

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Before getting pregnant I worked as a firefighter at the 118 along side my husband, Eddie Diaz. He has a child from a previous relationship. I'd been with Eddie 6 years now and Christopher calls me mom. When I first found out I was pregnant I had a bad feeling that Christopher wouldn't like it but he's actually as excited as Eddie.

With Chris being at school and Eddie at work I was often left at home alone, I'd been missing work more than usual so decided that I'd take a walk as we didn't live that far from the fire station. I'd already cleaned the house and my cramps started so I got ready hoping a slow walk on a warm day will do me good.

As I walked through to the station I could hear their voices coming from upstairs. I smiled as I walked up to greet them. I hadn't seen them in a while as I wasn't working here anymore till after the baby is born and I'm already 8 months. "Hey guys" I interrupted their conversation and in sync they all turned to me.

"Diaz? What you doing here?" Bobby smiled taking my into a hug. "Look how big she's gotten" he smiled down putting his hand on my growing bump. I felt the small baby kicking inside making me giggle.

"Are you ok? Is everything alright?" Eddie asked as he ushered me to sit down. I giggled as I looked up at his worried face.

"I just missed you all" I smiled looking around at the group I hadn't seen in so long. I actually can't wait to get back to work.

It was a quiet day so I sat with Hen and Buck chatting about the baby for a while and showing them photos of the sonogram I had on my phone. I'd been getting intense cramps for a while now but I hid it thinking that it was nothing.

"She looks like Eddie" Buck zoomed into her face laughing.

"It's a sonogram how can tou tell?" Hen scoffed and they started to jokingly bicker on till I got a massive wave of agony that I couldn't hide. It brought tears to my eyes as I leant forward in pain making everyone snap their heads towards me.

"It's ok" I winced as I sat back trying to get rid of the pain in the pit of my stomach. "She's just really strong" I tried to joke.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Eddie crouched in front of the chair I was sat in. The pain of my face couldn't be hidden as the tears fell. "We need to get you to hospital" he helped me up and as I stood up I felt the pressure release. At first I didn't know what had happened till I felt the water dripping down my leg.

"Oh fuck" I muttered under my breath looking down seeing the pool of water. "I can't do this" I sobbed feeling a fire burning in my stomach.

"Yes you can" Eddie kept his hand around me trying to get me to his car but I could walk. My legs were like jelly and I couldn't stand much longer "how long have you felt these cramps?"

"About 2 days" I groaned throwing my head back as I took a seat on the couch. I couldn't walk I was in too much pain. "I have to push" at this point everyone was basically freaking out making me feel worse. "Guys calm down" I laughed through the pain of pushing.

"Y/n I'm going to have a look is that ok?" Hen asked as I nodded in response. She put my legs up on the couch so I was now laying down and took off my panties. "Shit" she mumbled.

"What?" Eddie and I both asked at the same time.

"You're crowning. This baby is coming now" Hen explained and went to get gloves and towels and anything else she needed for the birth.

"I can't give birth here" I cried taking hold of Eddie's hand squeezing as another wave of pain washed through me.

"If doesn't look like you have a choice" Buck spoke with wide eyes.

"Buckley if you don't fucking move from down there I will kill you" I groaned pushing. He moved up towards my head so that he wasn't watching me give birth. I took hold of his hand too giving another 5 minute push.

"Fuck you're strong" Buck winced as I kept a tight hold of his hand. Eddie was crouched down to face me giving me small words of encouragement.

"Chim call for an ambulance" Hen instructed as she worked on helping me through the birth. He went aside to call for an ambulance as Bobby informed Athena what was happening so she could contact my parents who were back in London.

"Ahhhh" I screamed pushing again.

"That's the head" Hen smiled up at me but I couldn't return the smile. I felt nauseous from all the pain and I wanted it to stop. Eddie left my side to see what was happening but came straight back.

"She's beautiful" she smiled and I could see the tears brimming his eyes. He's been waiting 8 months already to see his daughter and today was the day. "I love you"

After another 20 minutes of labour our daughter was finally here. Hen laid her on my chest and I felt the pain washing away as I looked down at the baby in my arms. Hen cut the umbilical cord but then I felt another wave of pain. "I still need to push" I looked up worried at Eddie who looked over at Hen for any information.

"Hen what's happening?" Eddie asked with confusion on his face and a worried tone.

"Just push y/n. If that feels right" she explained and Eddie took our daughter from my arms as I pushed again. "It's another head?" She looked up at Eddie and I.

"What the fuck" Buck muttered.

"Twins? I'm not having twins" I cried as I continued to push.

"You are now"

The ambulance turned up half way through giving birth to my second baby I was in absolute agony.

The next day.

Me and the babies, both girls, were kept over night in hospital. Eddie went back home to collect Chris from school and tell him about the babies and today he was coming to see them for the first time.

"Mom" he smiled excitedly but his volume was quiet as he tried not to wake his siblings as he walked through the doors to my room. He walked with his crutches and Eddie following closely behind. Chris immediately went straight for the cribs and peered over to the babies. They weren't asleep but they had just been fed and changed so they were fussy.

"Hey Chris" I greeted him with a hug as he finally came over to my bed. He sat on the edge still admiring his new born baby sisters.

"How are you feeling today baby?" Eddie asked giving me a quick kiss before picking up one of his daughters.

"Sore but I'm ok, happy I'm coming home" I laid back on the bed.

"Do they have names?" Chris asked.

"Alanis and Ziri" I pointed to each baby so he knew which was which.

"How can you tell the difference?"

"Alanis is a little bigger and Ziri has more hair"

I didn't know how to end this

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