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chapter two,

chapter two,dumb

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‧₊˚ BELLAMY GILMORE had her head tucked between a book, flipping the pages ever so often. she was completely entranced, each word feeding into the image she was picturing.

"uh um" the sound of someone clearing their throat made everything in her annoyed, looking up to see who had interrupted her peaceful evening.

"Jess" she concluded, he towered over her slouched body that sat so comfortably on the bench only a few feet away from the lake.

he sent a half-hearted smirk, "didn't think i'd see you here" he spoke, taking a seat at the other end of the wooden bench. "what's that supposed to mean?"

the boy shrugged, "you don't seem like a . . book worm" he answered, his eyes traveling over to the twinkling blue water. "okay?"

she attempted to continue her book, huffing as she had completely failed. no longer being able to think- or read clearly. she closed the book shut, before setting her hazel eyes on him.

"did i interrupt you and your . . fantasy book?"

Bell felt her eyes travel to the back of her head, "fantasy book, really? it's Emma" she informed him, showing him the cover of a beautiful woman.

"Jane Austen" he hummed, "didn't take you for a Jane Austen fan" another eye roll. "there you go again with your assumptions"

"do i look dumb, or something?" she furrowed her brows, getting annoyed - or . . well, her annoyance was increasing. "do you want me to answer that?"

a chuckle escaped her lips in disbelief, "and here i thought you weren't an ass" she stood up from the bench, and collected her bag.

"oh, so you make assumptions too"

"it's human nature" she then walked away, not wanting to give him another minute of her time. how odd, not even 48 hours ago she didn't mind him.

but in that very moment, he changed her opinion.

he most definitely was an ass.

ੈ✩‧₊˚ BELLAMY trusted four people in total

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‧₊˚ BELLAMY trusted four people in total. that included her Grandmother, Luke, and her two best friends Kitty Maverick and Jack Bonavich.

she met the both of them in kindergarten, she had gotten in an argument with Rory over who's turn it was to play on the swing- and when the younger twin "won" Bell ran off to the other side of the playground.

Kitty and Jack were already together, the both of them laughing and giggling as they tagged each other, over and over again. it looked like fun, she had never played with anybody other than Rory before.

she was nervous.

but nonetheless, she somehow managed to work up the strength to walk up to them, tapping on the blonde's shoulder.

Kitty whipped her head around, a huge grin tugged at her lips as she greeted the Gilmore girl. "hi" she spoke, "hi" in that very moment, all of Bell's worries and fears washed away.

"can i play with you guys?" she asked them, the pair shared the same look before nodding their heads. "of course!" Kitty exclaimed, "i'm Kitty"

"i'm Jack"

"i'm Bell" and from that point on, the three became inseparable. they had formed an unbreakable bond, each of them holding their own connection to one another.

so Bellamy sat in Jack's basement, with her legs sitting on top of Kitty's, and her head set softly on one of his sweaters that she was using as a cushion.

Jack sat at the other end of the room, comfortably on his bean bag chair that the two girls had gifted him for his birthday a couple years back.

he had a joint in hand, and a magazine in the other, inhaling and exhaling ever so often. "stop hogging it, Bonavich" Kitty groaned, extending her arm out for him to pass it to her.

"sorry, i don't remember you buying the weed" he rolled his eyes, before standing up and passing it to her. "i literally buy it . . every time"

Kitty and Jack were always bickering or giving each other shit . . for absolutely no reason. it was apparently their love language. (totally platonic love, of course)

Jack and Bell, on the other hand . . were ride or die for each other. they rarely bickered, unless the both of them were completely joking. they were affectionate with one another, but once again . . completely platonic.

now, for Bell and Kitty, they were sisters. they argued from time to time, but they couldn't live without one another. basically, they were all ride or die for one another, and incredibly affectionate. (and somehow . . platonic!)

it was just the way they were, and it worked. because their friendship was solid, and nothing could get in the way.

"here" Kit handed off the joint to Bellamy, who gladly accepted it, leaning on her left arm to sit up a little bit. she took a hit, laying back down as she exhaled. "have you guys met Luke's nephew?"

Kitty took the stick from the girl, "no, i haven't even seen him around" she answered, looking to Jack. "i met him briefly, he seemed cool"

"cool my ass" Bell let out a scoff, earning an eyebrow raise from the both of them. "what'd the dude do to you, Gilmore?" Jack let out a loud laugh.

"he basically said i look dumb. i was sitting at the park reading Emma and he was like" she paused for a moment, getting ready to imitate his voice.

"oh you don't look like a bookworm, oh. you don't look like a Jane Austen fan. oh, fantasy book" laughter was spread around the basement by Kitty and Jack.

"i mean . . you're pretty, Gilmore. so he probably just thought you'd be . . dumb"

"no shit, jackson!"

     "no shit, jackson!"

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