Our Camp Cite

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It has been a while since that incident happened and we both found a place to sleep and as soon as we both were in the building it was pouring outside and we didn't have any wood to start a fire with so we went and explored the building and found two chairs next to a broken window. So then both of your stomachs growled in hunger so you and your sis made a plan to leave your things and hide them in case they come back.

You and your sibling look around the area for any sign of danger and then head back to the abandoned and split up to find food when the sun was going down. The both of you had found some food but you both also found other things that you both needed to find. So you both eat the food the both of you had found and you start a fire to cook the fish you had found and share it with one another.   

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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