At Bo Gan's house later, all the Sinister Bully members is partying so hard with loud music this Saturday night, sniffing cocaine like a idiot, they're shouting and cheering up for Pil Jin sniffing cocaine.
"GO GO GO GO GO!" Shouted the Sinister Bully members.Bo Gan: "You did it, Pil Jin, woooo!"
He shouted in joy, applauding for Pil Jin.
Kibum: "It's my turn to do drugs now."
As he getting another bag of cocaine to sniff now.
Bo Gan: "Let's do drugs to celebrate for Jo Wan who fucking burned Wonbin's house today!"
He shouted, as they're toasting their beer of cans and to drink beer now.
Jo Wan: "Yeah I could burn his mother's house next after Wonbin's house!"
He laughed, as Yeong Woo pushes Jo Wan's arm while Yeong Woo laughing.
Kibum: "Whoa cocaine is awesome!"
He shivered while sniffing cocaine.
Pil Jin: "We could have invited Somin here to suck our cock, I miss how she used to suck our cock!"
He said.
Bo Gan: "Wait, I will call Somin here."
As he using his phone to call Somin but Somin unlocks a door with a key and to go inside of Bo Gan's house.
Somin pants and all the evil boys stops partying when they saw Somin here.Pil Jin: "Huh? Here she is! She's here come to suck our cocks!"
He laughed out loud.
Yeong Woo: "Wait, how did she get inside of Bo Gan's house?"
He confused.
Bo Gan: "I gave her my key."
He replied for Yeong Woo.
Yeong Woo: "What???"
As he turned his face at Bo Gan.
Somin is starting to cry now and all the bad guys got speechless.Kibum: "What's wrong?"
Pil Jin: "Why are you crying?"
As they asked Somin when they're all look worrying about Somin.
Bo Gan: "Yeong Woo, turn a music off."
Yeong Woo: "Yes, boss."
As he turned a music off now.
Somin sobbing and she's crouching down.Somin: "I'm so scared! Oppa, please help me!"
She sobbed.
Bo Gan: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm right here."
As he walking towards to Somin and to crouch down with Somin while he's hugging her now.
Bo Gan: "Don't cry, don't cry."
As he patting on Somin's back.
Jo Wan: "Blood...."
He shocked, as he pointed at Somin's hand and fist got bleeding and bloodstained.
Bo Gan: "What's wrong with your hand?"
He shocked, as he grabbed Somin's hand up.
A few minutes later, Bo Gan is treating Somin's hand by a bandaid wrap and Somin's hand are completely healing now.Bo Gan: "Why are you like this? Punching a mirror?"
He asked Somin.
Somin: "Well..."
She stammered with shivering her voice.
Bo Gan: "Wh... Wh.. What?"
As he pretending to stuttered while talking to Somin.
Somin: "I kept hearing Ju Ri's voice inside of my head, that's why I punched a mirror and I went crazy."
She replied, as all the evil boys felt so scared when they heard Somin just said.
Kibum: "Of course you went crazy, it's not like dead can come back from the grave like a zombie."
He scoffed at Somin.
Somin: "I saw Ju Ri pulling my hair, so I stabbed her eye by a scissor and I end up stabbing my own father's eye..."
She stuttered, she sobbing loudly.
The boys felt so speechless and chill feelings when they listened to Somin talking.Yeong Woo: "You were hallucinating, Somin, I'm sure you did but did you actually stab your own father's eye?!"
He shocked.
Somin: "That's why I was so scared and I ran here, I'm so scared that police might found out that I killed my own father."
She continuing to cry.
Jo Wan: "What the hell is Somin talking about? Why she sound like making ghost story up on Wattpad story???"
He stuttered with his fear expression.
Somin: "I swear I did hear Ju Ri's voice and I saw her today! Why would I make things up when this was meant to be serious?!"
She screamed.
Pil Jin: "Hey, kick her out so she doesn't scare us, I don't know why this bitch gave me the chilling."
He shivered.
Bo Gan: "Somin, don't shout like this when I'm here with you, just sleep here for tonight and I will protect you from now on."
He said, consoling to Somin.
Jo Wan: "Oo la la, I hope you made her pregnant, boss."
He said, winking his eyebrows up at Bo Gan.
Bo Gan: "Grow the fuck up already!"
He shouted at Jo Wan, throwing a bottle of soju wine at Jo Wan and Jo Wan dodged that bottle, bottle shattered into pieces against the wall.
Jo Wan: "Whoa, you almost eliminated me off from this Sinister Bully."
He said.
When Somin heard a broken glass of bottle from Bo Gan throwing a bottle of soju wine against the wall, it reminds her about her punching a mirror in her house when she saw Ju Ri in her broken mirror.
Somin screams out loud in her fear expression because she thinks about seeing Ju Ri in her broken mirror but Bo Gan tries to calm her down.Somin: "Ju Ri is bothering me in my mind! She's haunting me right now!!!"
She screamed out loud.
Bo Gan: "Get a grip together! Wake up, you bastard!! Hey!!"
He screamed, as he tries to shake Somin up but Somin is still paranoid from her hallucinating.
Somin continuing to scream in her fear expression, woe and confusion in her mind.Bo Gan: "Somin, it's okay, calm down."
As he hugged Somin tightly and Somin stops screaming and she pants.