Drastic measures

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One week later


Owen sighed at the gate as he had been sat there for what felt like a week. He pretty much had apart from when it was night during the nights he would go do things.

He was working on something but nobody knew what sometimes people would come up to chat with him while he worked he actually appreciated it when they did that more then they know.

Owen looked down to see Ori and Graecie running toward the gate "Go to sleep please" said Graecie sighing at Owen "I'm sorry Graecie but no can do" Said Owen chuckling.

Ori pulled out a dagger as Rasbi and Magic walked up "Go to sleep or I can't be held accountable for knocking you out" said Ori "Try and don't expect to not have broken legs" said Owen.

Magic looked at Graecie and Rasbis calmness confused "Don't sweat Magic this has happened before" said Graecie sighing Magic nodded.

Owen threw Ori and a spear and walked off "WHY IS IT ALWAYS IN THE SANDPIT!?" Exclaimed Ori walking after Owen. Rasbi sighed "What's happening guys?" Asked Reddons walking up confused. "Ori and Owen are fighting in Owens sandpit again" said Graecie as the group slowly made there way over there to there surprise Owen and Ori where just talking.

"That's all very well and good for you to say though, it's not like I can trust your word or anything" said Owen sighing "It's not like you can't." Shot back Ori "Expect I can't, who pulled the first lever? YOU DID how do I know the next person that runs in there won't just die because your all wreck less EXPLAIN THAT ORI!" Exclaimed Owen.

"I cannot prove that they won't die because there is a high chance that they will but waiting around like sitting ducks has never gotten us anywhere before!" Exclaimed Ori. "Waiting around like sitting ducks as you refer to it HAS KEPT US ALIVE!" Yelled Owen.

"JUST GO TO SLEEP!" Screamed Ori going to hit Owen with his dagger Owen simply reflected it with his Own knife. "I" Began Owen attempting to stab Oris legs but getting deflected "Can" He continued as he continued trying to stab oris legs "Sleep" He went on deflecting a hit "When" Hit after hit no one got a solid hit "I'm" Another loud bang after another "Dead" Owen finished As He finally managed to knock Ori over into the water.

"Owen you go to sleep right now" they heard a familiar voice Apo say as Apo wacked him over the head with a frying pan "Apo what the hell?" Asked Rasbi "Look Rasbi I did not want to do that but we all know it's the only way to get him to sleep" Said Apo.

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