We've been duped.

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'This is exciting!'
We walked towards the stage in the gym since school was now finished and Ashley was eating some snack she had.
"Welcome, fellow students, to the drama club's Annual Acting Workshop featuring this year's visiting professor, the sensational, Will Smith!" Suzie told as she pointed behind her making everyone clap but no one showed up.
She looked around the stage but couldn't see anyone till her eyes landed on someone, making us all look to see a Janitor.
"Um, excuse me, sir. Do yo have any idea where Mr. Smith is?" She asked
"Will Smith, the successful Hollywood actor? Sorry, he's not here." He told before removing the moustache showing it was fake. "Or is he?"
"I'm sorry, is he here or not?" I asked making him chuckle.
"He is. And you're looking at him!" He exclaimed before laughing and rushing up onto the stage. "That's right, ladies and gentleman. It is I, Will Smith. Thank you."
He gave us a bow a few times as we all held a confused look towards him.
"Uh... you're not Will Smith." Teddy told making us all nod in agreement.
"What do you mean? Oh. I think I see what's happened here. You've somehow mistaken me for the other Will Smith."
"I'm pretty sure you're the other Will Smith." Teddy argued back.
"He's an actor too, yes. He's quite a talented guy. In fact, him and I worked together in a film called Men in Black 3, where I played the role of Melted Alien Corpse. You don't remember that? Wow, okay. Well, maybe this will help you remember." He told before pulling a weird look.
"Oh, yes! I-I kind of remember that." I told with a little bit of excitement.
"You don't actually do you." Ashley quietly stated making me nod.
"I do not." I told matching her volume.
"Now, I know what you're all wondering: how did I disappear so seamlessly into the role of janitor? Well, I did it with a little technique I like to call acting. In fact, this isn't even a mop." He told before grabbing it and showing it to us all. "It's a stick."
"I truely believed he had a mop." I told Teddy and Ashley with a surprise tone.
"All right, let's get going. Everybody up on your feet." He told making us all stand up.
"We have to do stuff? Aw, I thought we were just gonna watch Will Smith." Teddy told as he got up.
"You are watching Will Smith."
"Come on, dude!"
'This is going to be so fun!

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