6. Stab 3

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"Where am I" I rubbed my eyes and looked around.

They put me in a cage. A rusted cage with hay on the bottom like I'm a fucking animal.

There's yelling and the sound of waves crashing coming from all directions.

I quickly tried getting up and was pulling down by a chain wrapped around my ankle.

"HEYYY" nothing

"LET ME OUT OF HERE" footsteps getting closer.

"COME HERE AND FACE ME YOU SONS OF BITCHES" the door to the box my cage was in got thrown open and men with guns made there way inside.

"Good evening Ms Grady" Ken Wheatley the son of a bitch in charge of this operation.

   "Let me out" I growled.

   "Now Ms Grady I can't do that. I've been given specific orders to bring you in." I growled and flashed my eyes at him. His men held up their guns and he put a hand up telling them it was okay. "You're worth a lot to us Ms Grady and we've done a lot to get you here" he walked towards the door and told two men stay  behind to watch me and shut the door.

   "Let me out" I banged on the cage hoping to bend it in some way but only ended up hurting myself.

   "OWEN" I cried out.

   The guys guarding me didn't even flinch watching me struggle to escape.



There were loud bangs coming from every direction. "Where are we" I asked them. They didn't respond to me. Like emotionless drones. I barked trying to get Tiny's attention. I'd never gone so dinosaur in my life till this very moment but these dinosaurs need me and I need to get them and myself away from these men.

"Pipe down" one of them said hitting his gun against the cage.

(With Owen and Claire in the T-Rex cage)

Owen and Claire quietly climbed into the box containing the T-Rex and shut the door behind them.

They both shuffled around the pen quietly not trying to wake the beast up.

"She's tranqued" Owen said moving towards her head.

"If only Mackenzie were here to do this" Claire said and immediately regretting it. They had moved on without her hoping she would be right behind them or would some how find her there but they haven't ran across her yet.

Owen put his arms around Tiny's neck trying to find a good vein to take blood from. "Okay I got it. Come on" he said motioning for Claire to come closer towards Tiny.

Claire moved towards Owen but before she could get any closer Tiny moved her head and crushed Owen between her and the wall of her cage.

"Are you okay?" She asked Owen. He threw up a thumbs up and they moved on with their mission to get blood so they could get the bullet out of Blue.

"Come on" Owen whispered in pain. Claire shuffled to the other side of the cage.

Claire tossed the blood bag to Owen. "You'll have to do it" Owen shook his head.

"Her skin is too thick I need both hands to put pressure on the vein"

"You have to I can't reach" Claire said continuing to wave the bag in his face.

"You're going to need to climb on" Claire scoffed.

"I'm not your sister your going to get me killed" he rolled his eyes. "I'm not climbing up there".

"You'll be fine it's like riding a bronco"

"Riding a bronco? I didn't grow up at the rodeo I can't do that" Claire said not wanting to get anywhere near the animal.

"I don't know how long she'll be asleep for you need to do it now" Owen said wanting to get this done and get out of here.

He never understood Mackenzie's bond with the animal but he did understand that he didn't want to be eaten.

"Fine" Claire climbed on Tiny slowly not trying to risk waking her up. Tiny moved her head crashing it into the other side of the cage.

Tiny's eyes flickered as she was slowly waking up but fell back into the deep sleep. "Nice job. You're making this look somewhat normal" Owen said slowly getting up from the ground.

Claire grabbed the needle and tried stabbing her with it but her skin was too thick. "You're going to need to jab it in there" Owen said trying his best to put pressure on the veins.

"Ready" Claire nodded



"Stab" Claire yelled violently stabbing the needle into Tiny's neck.

Tiny moved her head to the other side crushing Owen into the wall again and covering him with saliva.

He wiped it off in disgust and pushed her head off of him.

The blood was going through the tube successfully and Claire cheered to herself.

They heard footsteps and two guards shut the door and locked them inside.

"OWEN" Claire and Owen looked at each other knowing that voice.

And so did Tiny.

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