He was given a second chance...
Somewhere in Nevada...
There is an old facility out in the middle of a desert that acts as the office of the sheriff with two grunts guarding the front door each one holding an assault rifle. One of the grunts took out a cigarette and lit it before taking a deep drag and exhaling the smoke. It was just another day for him and the other grunt who was on guard duty today. "I'm going on break." The cigarette smoking grunt said to the other grunt as he walked off. The grunt just shrugged and continued to stand watch.
The grunt then proceeded to walk inside and go down the halls, as he's walking a vent from above and behind him opens up and a figure drops down, his head is bandaged, and he is wielding two knives. This man is Hank J. Wimbleton and he is on a simple mission. Kill the Sheriff.
He snuck up behind the guard and stick his knives into the temple and heart of the Smoking Grunt
Then another grunt entered through the doorway and without any hesitation Hank threw one of his knives square into the face of the new guard killing him instantly.
"You alright pal?" The Grunt said from outside but as soon as he laid eyes on hank he found a knife dug into his chest from the killer. He fell to the floor dead. Hank then walked over to the dead grunt and picked up his rifle then took his knives out of the two grunts' bodies, before continuing to the next door, "Three" Hank says to himself. Where one grunt was standing guard his back facing towards the door while two other grunts were playing cards and having some liquor.
Entering the door the grunt standing guard turned around only to have his face and neck sliced while the other two grunts got out of their game. Hank quickly used the surprise to his advantage and once again threw his knife square in the face of one of the grunts while the other picked up an ax on the ground. But once again hank just threw his knife and... killed him with the handle part of it. Unfortunately, Hank's surprise strike only lasted so long as the facility now aware of his presence had grunts walk in to investigate. Hank quickly used his rifle to gun down the first few grunts walking through the front.
One of the grunts flipped the table over to act as a makeshift barrier, and attempted to fire at Hank with his Glock... but Hank rushed at the table and used his momentum to make the table crush the grunt underneath it. Several grunts then started coming through the back door as Hank stood on top of the table and began to fire at them draining all the ammo he has into them. Before throwing his gun at the last grunt with enough force to kill him.
Soon another grunt came into the room holding a dagger as Hank picked up his knife. The Grunt attempted to stab Hank only for his blade to be deflected and to receive a punch and stab to the face. Meanwhile, an unarmed Grunt attempted to sneak behind Hank while he was doing this only to be met with a back fist to the face. A few more grunts entered the room while Hank picked up his second knife, and he quickly began to slaughter them.
Next to the carnage were two grunts one on the back and one on the front which Hank quickly dispatches with his Knife throwing skills finally Hank beats to death one more unarmed grunt before going into the next room "Twenty" Hank counted to himself as he picked up the dropped ax. The next room had two grunts, one unarmed and one with a machete. They were nothing to Hank as he quickly hacked them. A second Grunt came from around the corner as Hank threw the ax square into his head and made him bleed out.
A couple more grunts came into the room, and Hank quickly beat one to death, took another blade, and stabbed him in the eye. Then he quickly finished off the other grunt and picked up the baton as two more grunts joined in, one with a bad and one with a kitchen knife. Yet again Hank just stabbed them to death with ease while finally a Grunt with a Glock entered and took aim... but before he could fire Hank threw the Baton with such force that it impaled the poor grunt's skull.
"Twenty-nine" Hank counted to himself as he looked up into a security camera and smiled "Wow Sheriff can't believe you planned a party for me! Why don't you come down here and join in?"
Somewhere in the facility was an office with two figures. One was a man wearing a cowboy hat and a long coat, and a badge that says 'Sheriff' on it. The Sheriff was looking into the monitor seeing how easily Hank killed his men. The figure in the corner had a short beard, a bald spot on the top of his head, and a halo that floated over him. "Shit!" The Sheriff said to himself, the figure in the corner says "Calm down Sheriff... as long as I'm here your safe... don't do anything drastic yet!" "SHUT YER MOUTH JEBUS! I hired you to be a bodyguard! NOT MY DEPUTY! And last I checked you got bested by Hank before." The Sheriff said before opening a small hatch that contained a red button, below the button were the words "Improbability Drive." Jebus then said "We don't know what that Device does y-" "Shut up!" the Sheriff interrupted before continuing, "The Big Boss said that this Device should help kill Hank, so I'm gonna try it now!" "No! You're not to use that thing! Not until we know exactly what it does!" The sheriff said. "I don't care! If it helps me get rid of Hank then I'll risk it!" Pushing the button as he said.
The Improbability Drive has been activated.
On this day the boundaries of reality and normality have been shattered as Nevada disappears off the face of the earth
Meanwhile, in a peaceful field, not on earth, an entire nation was temporarily evacuated in preparation for what is viewed as a catastrophic event... the Witches Tea party.
The seven witches have gathered around... Greed, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Wraith, Lust, and Gluttony. Sekhmet the Witch of Sloth was the first to speak up. "Echidna... why did you call us all here," She said while sighing. Echidna replied, "Because I want to talk about something important." "I see..." Sekhmet sighed and said, "What is it... can't you tell we all have something better to do..."
Then Echidna stood up and said, "As of lately I have been reading into my book of wisdom, trying to look into the future to see what events would unfold... and as I thought it was working fine for a while." Echidna opened the book and the words perfectly described every event that happened leading up to the tea party. "However... the book seemed to stop at that point..." Echidna said as she turned the page to reveal something truly strange... the next page on the prophetic book repeated these lines "ERROR: REALITY COMPROMISED: Source: Improbability Drive".
The seven witches were confused. From the way the words were arranged "Improbability Drive" it was clear that there was something wrong with the book. This made no sense. They had never heard of such a thing. No one had ever seen or heard of anything like this before.
Minerva the witch of wraith stood up and said "Echidna what is the meaning of this? Improbability Drive? Error? I don't understand what this is about." Echidna then smiled and said "Well... I was about to get to that, even with all my knowledge I've never heard of something called an 'Improbability Drive' however, from what I can guess... I'd say that this 'Improbability Drive' is going to cause some kind of cataclysmic event to occur."
Minerva suddenly went dead silent. "What?" She asked. "Is this true? How are you certain of this"
"Yes, Minerva, it is true. I have no idea what it is but judging from how the book of wisdom led up to this I can tell it."
Echidna keeping up her unnerving smile looked at Minerva and said "Oh go ahead, you all can go do what you want, stopping it, postponing it... I just want to know what happens, what secrets can be found from such an event."
Minerva looked back at Echidna with disgust and said "You're a fool! You are willing to risk the fate of the world for your curiosity!?"
"It is my nature after all," Echidna replied with her signature smile.
After this event, the witches all went their separate ways as Echidna looked back at her book and flipped through some pages... it was all the same message until one page said something slightly different. "ERROR: REALITY COMPROMISED: The Clown has been engaged."

Madness Zero
ActionDuring the events of Madness Combat 3, the Improbability Drive is activated and the state of Nevada and the newborn Kingdom of Lugenica are fused into one in a time where all the Witches are alive. Now Hank J. Wimbleton must survive in this new fuse...