Chapter 5 - Search

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Alzo's POV
< In the Merit High Dormitory >

Alzo sits as he takes out his pocket watch out of his uniform's pocket

"How fancy, a pocket watch huh?" Ayana said curiously.

"Is something wrong?" Alzo said wondering.

"Well I'm just surprised that you have interests on pocket watches" Ayana answered.

"Well it's not really that I have an interest with it, its just this pocket watch has a lot of significance to me" Alzo explained.

"Hm.. ok then" Ayana said.

The door slowly opens

"Jeez, it sure is cold out there" Alexander exclaimed.

"Well I don't know about you but its quite calming" Alzo said.

"But that's the thing, I've grown up in a cold environment so I have already developed a decent cold tolerance" Alzo added.

"That's also the case for you, right Ayana?" Alzo asked her.

"Well yeah, I do have cold tolerance but I am quite sure it is not as good as yours" she answered.


A notification came up from everyone's phone

[ Student Council ]

< Enzo Kioshi >
"Go to the student council room, make sure you get what you need, we are starting our search soon"

"Looks like we are starting, come on go get your stuff especially your jackets, it is freezing out there" Ayana said.

Alzo gets out his trench coat

"I knew that was your aesthetic" Alexander exclaimed.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Alzo questioned.

"Well remember the last year's Christmas party? I was kind of struggling to think for your gift and I remembered that you liked trench coats but it wasn't available at that time" Alexander explained.

"Well I suppose I can commend you for knowing me" Alzo said.

"You guys ready?" Xander said behind the door.

"Yeah we will there in a minute" Alexander said.

--Scene changed--
< Outside of Merit High Dormitory >

Alzo's POV
"Its much colder than I thought it was gonna be, wish I had my gloves" Alzo said as he rubbed his hands together.

"Ok come on, lets head to the student council" Xander said while slightly shivering.

They start to head off to the student council room after locking the doors

After 10 minutes--

--Scene changed--
< Outside of the Student Council Room >

Ayana opens the door

"Hello everyone, let me just get the rest of the gear then we will head off to our search" Kioshi said.

--After 5 minutes--

"Ok, get a flashlight and a radio, also bring extra batteries just in case"

--Scene changed--
< Outside of the main building >

Alzo's POV
"So what's the plan?" Alzo asked Kioshi.

"Well we are supposed to check the entire campus however, I would like it that we do not split up due to the nature of our search" Kioshi answered.

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