I woke up before dawn, climbing out of Newt's bed. Nobody was awake yet, which was a relief because after last night, I would have rathered being alone. I decided to go look at the Doors again, ignoring the fact I was scared out of my mind. I ran a hand through my long hair, yawning as my feet touched the grass. The sun wasn't quite up yet, but it was light enough to see everything around me. It was pretty nice. Not too cold and not too warm. I approached the Doors, running my warm fingertips down the cold stone. It was just so weird. I'd never seen anything like it - well, maybe I had. I wouldn't know. My teeth sunk into my lip as I heard the shaking, before feeling it as the Doors pulled across. I jumped away from fear of the unknown, paranoid that the monster they called Grievers would be there waiting for me.
Those eyes.
The sight of it was staining my mind and I cringed as I folded my arms, taking a deep breath as they pulled across. Luckily for me, nothing was behind it but those same walls I'd seen in my dreams. My mouth gaped. It looked so interesting. I looked back, glancing around to see if anybody was around. Nobody was. I decided that perhaps the only way to conquer my fear was to face it, so, bare-footed and full of confidence, I stepped through the Doors.
I spun in circles, looking between the walls. They were so tall. Why were they so tall? I faced the way I was walking, furrowing my eyebrows.
I wondered what those Doors were really protecting us from.
The Grievers.
How bad were they truly?
I'd seen them in my dreams but it was just my imagination, right? Maybe they were harmless.
I doubted it, although.
I reached the end of the corridor and peered behind me, seeing that people were waking.
I didn't want to be seen, so I stepped out of sight, continuing to walk.
Maybe what I was doing was wrong.
Shuck, it was probably the worst decision I'd ever made in 24 hours, but I was curious and had so many questions that wouldn't be answered by my new-found friends. I just wanted to see everything for myself.
The best way to understand was figuring it out myself. I was smart enough, anyway. I think. I glanced down to my right, and maybe I was hallucinating, but my sight fell upon those same eyes and I released an ear piercing scream, dropping to the ground. I don't know why I couldn't move. But as soon as my body hit the ground, the eyes weren't there.
"I'm out of my shucking mind," I breathed out, standing up and dusting myself off. Magically, my legs were working again and I continued to walk, gulping. For some reason, I wasn't scared, but at the same time, I was. Curiosity was so much more powerful compared to fear.
I must have been really strong in my past life. I found myself clenching my fists as I took another turn, closing my eyes and pressing my lips tight together. I opened my eyes after three seconds, and my mouth gaped. The eyes. Those bloody eyes. Except now, something was behind it. I felt my breath pick up and I screamed as loud as I could, closing my eyes. When I re-opened them, it was gone.
I was out of my mind. I spun around and screamed again as my eyes met Minho's. He gripped my shoulders,
"What the shuck are you doing out here!?" He yelled in my face. I felt my breath choke up and I pushed him away, and felt fear possess me.
I was scared of him.
I don't know what overcame me, but I spun around from him and began to sprint. I was surprised by how fast I was.
"Sam, no!" He screamed as I took a turn, running farther and farther from the Glade. "Sam!" I knew he was chasing after me, and his speed was amazing. As he trailed after me, all I felt was more fear. I was less scared of a Griever than I was of Minho. I don't know why. I just was. I swung myself off of some ivy, gliding across the stone. The concrete scraped my feet and I felt them beginning to sting, but I had way too much adrenaline to care. I continued to take turns, Minho hot on my trail.
"Sam!" He shouted.
"Leave me alone!" I replied angrily, before I stumbled over a loose stone and tumbled to the ground, hands first. I groaned, glancing back as he came into a view. I scrambled to my feet, running again. I had a building stitch in my side and I was light-headed, wanting to throw up but it didn't matter. I was scared. Petrified, actually. I tensed as I began to run towards that same ledge from my dreams. For some reason, I didn't stop. I just continued to run. But just as I reached the end, Minho miraculously picked up speed and wrapped his arms around my waist, tugging me back. He stumbled, falling to his back with me on top. I shook him off, rolling off and crawling to the walls. When he looked at me, I wanted to scream.
I saw the eyes.
His brown eyes were replaced with these evil red ones and it made me feel sick.
As loudly as I could, I screamed. He covered his ears as I felt the walls and ground shake at my voice. Despite how loud I truly was, it didn't hurt. It didn't hurt one bit.
"Sam!" I heard someone yell. It wasn't Minho, it was someone else, dropping to my side. "Sammy! Stop!" My heart jolted as I familiarised myself with the voice and the nickname. Newt. I tried as hard as I could, but I couldn't stop screaming until he managed to raise his voice above mine. "Sammy!" And my mouth shut. My fists clenched and everything all at once rushed into my mind. I had no idea what had just happened. I stared at him for a long hard time as Minho groaned, rubbing his ears.
"She shucking deafened me!" He yelled, unnecessarily. Newt glanced at Minho, with a shocked expression on his face.
"Minho," he breathed out. "She made the entire Glade shake."

Fanfiction"My name is Sam." That was the only thing she could remember when she woke up in that box. She didn't know her age, what colour her eyes were, how tall she was, who her parents were, if she had siblings...She didn't remember anything but her name. ...