Chapter 20: Who is The Judge

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Kevin's POV

I walked through the halls with Santana in front of me, we were on our way to Figgins when we bumped into Berry.

"Ugh, get out of my way troll" Santana quipped but Berry just held her arm.

"Look I know we had our differences, but I need you to know why I had to call Melody out like that. She thinks she knows what's best for Finn when really she needs to mind her own business" She tried to explain but Santana looked like she was about to slap her in the face.

"I think Mel knows what's best for her own brother" Santana said as she tries to walk around Berry, but she just sidesteps, blocking us from moving past her.

"Stepbrother, and he is my fiance and I know what is the best for him" she said as an excuse.

"You better move out of my way before I hit you out of existence" She threatened, but Berry got lucky as Finn ran up and pulled Berry away.

"Did you guys hear about the messages going around?" he asked as we nodded.

"We were just about to go and tell that to Figgins, this person is threatening her life of her" I said as he nodded but then looked at us.

"Just Figgins?" he asked as I nodded.

"Who else, it's just some loser bullying her, it would be dealt with within the school's guidelines" I said as he just looked dumbfounded.

"Not the police?" he asked as I looked at Santana.

"Why would we call the police? It's a school bully who thinks he can get away with this nonsense" Santana said as Finn shook his head.

"Guys, this person texted the whole town" he said as we widened our eyes. The whole town was sent this message, how does someone even do that?

"Wait what?" Berry asked as she went to check her phone but Santana just grabbed it and threw it across the hallway. I didn't have to guess when I knew it was probably broken.

"We need to talk to Figgins now" I said as I grabbed Santana's arm and we ran to his office.

We walked right past the little receptionist, not caring about what she had to say. My best friend is being threatened by someone unknown and I need to make sure nothing will happen.

"Is this about Miss Hummel?" He asked as we nodded.

"Principal Figgins, it was sent not only to the students of McKinley but to the whole town" I said as he looked at us in shock. He picked up his phone and spoke to his receptionist.

"Call the police, yes I have a big situation" he said as we were relieved, for once he was doing the right thing.

"Who could you think this was?" I asked as Santana just rolled her eyes as Figgins's assistant showed the police officers the phone that had the encrypted message.

"I don't know but I have a feeling about who it could be" she said as she pulled me away to her car.

Melody's POV

"Okay, well now that this is a police matter, I think it's best you stay home from school for a few days" Dad said as he and mom were talking to me at home. Mom was in tears when she learned of the messages, her friends were all calling her in a panic about a man targeting her daughter.

"Dad, I'll be fine" I said as dad didn't listen to me, and the boys dropped me off. Juyeon was going to stay over but Jacob said they needed to do something, so I only have Eric hanging out with me.


"Melody Sabrina Hummel, an unknown man threatened your life, you will stay here and we will get your schoolwork sent here, am I clear?" Dad said as I only nodded, I knew not to argue with him when he says my full name. Eric hugs my side and tells me that he will bring my homework. Mom and dad left to handle some of the police that were in my room, they think that the person may have piggybacked my IP address.

"Ugh, this sucks" I said as I sit back on the couch. Eric lays back with me as we stare at the ceiling.

"I know, and I'm sorry for what Berry said. What she said is completely untrue. She is just jealous that she can't be as awesome as you are" Eric said as I coo at his sweetside. I grab his face and give him a big kiss on the cheek. He freaks out and tries to wipe off my lipstick but it just makes a big blurry red spot on his cheek. I laugh out loud as he runs to the mirror and whines out. The doorbell rings and Eric jumps up before me.

"Are you crazy?! It could be him, no, let me open the door" Eric said as he walked over and as he turned the knob, the door flew open and Santana was walking into my house. Kevin, Jacob, and Juyeon were right behind her. Kevin was holding a big bag of McDonald's and Jacob had some Starbucks.

"Hey there girlie, we brought food and gossip" Kevin said as Santana sat down and grabbed a french fry from the bag. The rest of the guys sat down, relaxing as Kevin handed me a cheeseburger and medium fries.

"So what's up?" I asked as Kevin got excited.

"We tried to narrow down who could be that sad and pathetic to make lies up about you" Santana said as Kevin looked happy.

"So we decided to go to Dalton Prep, and talk with a certain someone" Santana said as I looked at her and then Kevin who couldn't stop smirking.

"Oh please tell me you didn't do what I think you did" I said as Kevin just smirked.

"Oh yes we did, and it was awesome" he said as I just facepalmed.


Kevin's POV

After we left the school building, Santana and I went into her car and she started to drive somewhere.

"You're not driving me somewhere and killing me, are you?" I ask as she glanced over at me and smirks.

"Ooh, you foiled my plan, darn it" she said sarcastically to me and I rolled my eyes at her.

"No we are gonna find out who is doing this to Mel and when we find them, they will wish that their mother had closed her legs" she said as I choked on my salvia. We pulled up to Dalton Prep Academy. Many boys in uniforms looked our way, many of them stared at Santana's body and some looked my way as well.

"So we are gonna talk with Sebastian?" I asked as I followed her and she nodded.

"He was the last one to be intimate with her, also the first. He is a first suspect" she said as she pushed open double doors after the other. We finally found their little choir room, and there was Sebastian sitting on a chair. He had a small boy, I think his name was Trent, and another boy I did not recognize.

"Hey, hair gel! Get over here!" she shouted at him, he turned around and smirked at us.

"Oooh, wow hello there, long time no see. Did you miss hearing some actual good singing?" he asked as Santana did not hesitate and slapped him across the face, grabbed his shirt collar, and pushed him against the wall as she got into his face.

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