A Night of Crazy

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Hell no!!

I am not putting that dress back on. I look down at my white lace bra and panties. Then I looked towards the bathroom door because that is all there is keeping the bad boy and me apart.

Baby steps, right?

I walked over to the door and grabbed the handle. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. Then I let it out. I opened that door and walked through it.


I came out of my closet at the same time she opened the bathroom door, and I dropped my jaw at such a sexy sight.


"Hey Declan, I don't have any clothes here."

I stopped the second I saw him staring at me. I rubbed my right arm. I feel so insecure right now about how he is staring at me.


Um yeah...

I can see that because my eyes are racking over every inch of your beautiful body.


And I said to take baby steps.

Just take a deep breath Declan, because you can do this.

"If you want to wear one of my shirts and boxers, you can."

Or we can just skip to getting naked...


Oh boy...

He's staring at me, hard core.

Alright, I can do this. All he has done so far is protect me, which no one has ever done before. Well, except Nono, but he isn't here. Declan is.

"Baby steps, right?"


I threw my hands up at her.

"I swear!"

Then I walked over to her. I made sure I wasn't too close, but not too far away. She has to get used to me right because it's the only way for this to work. Not to mention seeing if we have a shot as a couple.



He is awfully close to me.

"And what about clothes for me?"

Then a knock came on his door, and my eyes immediately went wide-eyed. Who the hell is at his door at this hour?


I turned towards my door.

"One second."

I turned back towards her, and she was in her lace. There is no way in hell I'm having someone see her like that.



"Why are you looking at me like that?"

This bad boy right here has got something up his sleeve. I can tell.


I looked back at the door and then back at her. Call me crazy, but it just might work.

"So, you think you can handle hiding behind me?"


He has got to be kidding me.

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