(Death's Pov)
Again, the whole class was in the school hall for another lesson of pe... which was currently the 'weaponists' of the class learning and practicing magic, and how am I going with that?.... I'm going horribly. "Death, your type of magic is destructive, as if it were wrath itself" Erik explained as he walked behind me "To control wrath, you must learn to control your emotions... you need patience, calmness..." Erik stood in front of me, looking at me in the eyes "You must learn to neglect the negative and embrace the positive" Erik told me. "Hold your hands out" I rolled my eyes, doing as he said "Focus strongly on the power and magic within, imagine a spark like a flame" Erik said and a few seconds later, absolutely nothing happened. I angrily signed, dropping my hands "It's not working-" "Because you're still neglecting it" Erik told me "Most of your life as a demon, you've focused and depended on the weapons you can summon instead on focusing on the magic that allows you to do that" Erik explained, placing a hand on my shoulder "You'll get it soon, trust me- Akire!" Erik's head snapped to the other side of the room... Akire's attempt of teaching Dark something turning into part of the room setting on fire. Erik rushed over to the witchdoctor and inferno demon while I signed in relief, holding my head and leaning against the closest wall as Gamer appeared by my side. Gamer looked at me with a bit of concern in his eyes "What's wrong?" he asked and of course, I was dumb enough to answer "This magic crap- I don't get it and I'm never gonna get it..." I told him "I've got too many other things to worry about at the moment" I said, watching Asherah use her 'water magic' to put out the fire Akire and Dark accidently started whilst Erik talked to them. "I'm never gonna do anything other then summon a stupid gun or sword-" "Or the councilor heirloom... which is basically a sword" Gamer added "But some times that's enough" "Doubt it" I told him.Gamer then sat on the ground "Come on" he said, patting the ground in front of himself "Seriously?" "Do you want Erik to stop hassling you about magic?" Gamer asked and in response, I rolled my eyes and sat down on the ground with him "Alright, now what?" I questioned him as he just smiled a bit. "...Shadow walkers have the ability to control and manipulate shadow and darkness around them-" "Already know that-" "You can't have darkness without light" Gamer told me, holding up his right hand as black shadowed smoke surrounded it "Life, sensation, illusion... my powers... my magic is unique to me and me alone" "Such as the healing and mind crap you can do" I added. Gamer nodded his head "I recon you're having such a hard time with it is because you don't know how to imagine it or look at it" he said as the smoke around his hand faded "Makes... a little sense?" "It makes a lot of sense" he said, turning his head away from me. "You, Death... are protective, brave, bold..." the fallen placed his hand on the ground "You're more grounded then most people... and your emotions are more like a reigniting flame" Gamer told me, looking back up at me. "Your power is based on destruction and wrath, so think of things that can cause... imagine burning flames or the ground cracking beneath you-" "Death, to the principal's office... immediately" a speaker announced as I signed "Can't get a break today, can I?" I questioned as Gamer held back a laugh "Be glad it's a ticket out of this class" the fallen told me as I smiled back at him. "Sure will".
A few minutes later, I found myself outside of Ianthe's office... I hesitantly knocked on the door "Come in" a muffled voice called. I opened the door and walked in, seeing both Ianthe and Lucifer in the office, I slowly closed and locked the door behind myself "Alright, what is this about?" I questioned the two as I folded my arms... and surely, I got my answer. "We have an 'update' about the missing people-" "The starlings kidnapped by the killens and Grey Army, yeah I already know everything about that" I interrupted Ianthe. "Yes, but this news is about the dead that was left behind" she told me as I raised a brow "Yeah- we already know, Sabina was behind the deaths and came to EU to add me to that list... she's the cannibalistic demon-" "No, she isn't" Lucifer interrupted, immediately confusing me with his words "Wait- what do you mean 'she isn't'?" I kind of harshly questioned the archangel. "I mean she isn't" He repeated himself "When she tried to kill you, she was going to do it with Gamer's demonglass blade to your heart" Lucifer reminded me "While the other deaths, a half-transformed demon or devil ripped them to shreds" he continued, folding his arms "Death, would an out-of-control cannibal really attempt to pin blame of a death onto another student?" Ianthe questioned me. I looked at the ground "No, they wouldn't be in the right mindset to even think" I answered, brows frowned as I looked back up "So if it wasn't Sabina, then who?" I asked "That's were we run into the dead end of theories" Lucifer stated as Ianthe signed. "We think that your new 'enemies' might have their own cannibalistic torturer" Ianthe said "The killens-" "No, demons and devils are far against forcing someone towards crap like that" Lucifer interrupted me "So what? the killens are immediately ruled out- they have two cannibal ripper demons now-" "Who chose that path long before joining" Ianthe told me. "We think this is the Grey Army's doing" she said "They are mostly humans and other species with very little demons and or devils, it's possible that any disappearances of torture demons and devils over the years could be the result of them forcefully making their own cannibals" Ianthe explained her suggestion.

Ego University [Season 3]
General FictionStudents Angel, Death, Gamer, Akire, Skyler, Dark and Anti have become Hell's new Young Black Councilors yet some things take a somewhat unexpected turn. After hearing rather shocking news, both Angel and Gamer try to avoid it at all costs. While th...