Another Interruption

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Y/n Pov

On another day Dabi comes to visit me, him and I sit together in my living room. While we're just hanging out and talking, in the middle of our conversation he notices something hanging off of a shelf next to us.

"Hey...what's that weird thing on the shelf?"

I couldn't help but beam at his question, i've been trying to find the right time to sneak it on him for a while.

Before I answer him, I quickly pick it up and put it on his head.

"It's a bunny hat!"

"Huh...sounds stupid."

Hmm, that's a pretty disappointing response.

There's only one thing left to do.

I squeeze the ends of the hat. When he feels something move at the top of his head, his eyes widen at me pretty startled, it was kinda funny.

"What the heck was that babe? What are you doing to my head??"

This guy is unintentionally way funnier than most people would think...


"The ears are moving stupid, look!" You opened the camera app and handed him your phone to see for himself. Once he carefully took it from you, you squeezed the ends of the hat again and nodded at him to do it after you.

Visibly confused, he looks at you then at the hat. Eventually, he decides to give in and start trying to do what he saw you do, squeezing the hat with his free hand that isn't holding the phone. Once he sees the bunny ear lift in the camera, his look of confusion shifts into fascination. Now very invested in this new thing you've seem to put on his head, he begins to squeeze it again and again, looking closely at the fluffy ear going up and down.

Y/n Pov

"Thank you!! I didn't deserve for you to just give me something like that for free..." I take the phone from him.

"What do you mean by that...? What are you up to now, Hero."

"I may or may not have recorded you."


"That's right, it's my turn to put you on my private album. I'm still getting revenge on you from taking so many embarrassing photos of me wearing your jacket that one time."


And the victory, is mine.

I think it's pretty safe to say my camera roll has just about the best video ever taken on it now.

"I'm gonna get you back for that though. That's gonna haunt me for the rest of my life. All you're gonna do now is bring it up and be like "remember that one time i put my bunny hat on you? You were so cute!!"

"Wow babe...! You know me so well...<3"

"Shut up."


"And who are you gonna show your evidence? "Hey look at my villain boyfriend! See, i told you he's cute!" Sheesh, heheh, I thought you wanted ME arrested, but it looks like you wanna be arrested too if your dying to show everyone your villain boyfriend so badly."

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"Alright-fine, fair point. ~But either way, i'll still cherish it right here in my camera roll...~"

I sit back down next to him and he leans in close, his face right in front of mine.

"I'm mad at you."

This close to my face, I can really see the detail in his eyes. They're so much more detailed then I realized...

"Are you really, Staples?"

I take my hat off of him and ruffle his hair underneath.

"You know what will make me forgive you though?"

He lifts a finger and taps his lips, asking for a kiss.

"You know I don't kiss villains..."

Ok. I had to mess around A LITTLE...


*Creeaak* Your apartment door slowly opens again to the same tired looking teenage boy.

He stands in front of your door he just opened, looking to the floor a little embarrassed.

Agh, not again... he mutters to himself. He thinks back to last time when he walked in on you guys cuddling, and now he's walked in on you guys...


Gross...he did not wanna see that.

You both jumped and ran to the walls in the room on opposite sides from each other. You were both terrified, and naturally reacted by trying to hide and separate from each other in case it was someone dangerous who opened the door.

Once you realize it's Mako though, you relax a bit more.

"ALRIGHT MAKO, YOU'VE GOT TO LEARN HOW TO KNOCK", you were a little out of breath from the extreme panic you just went through.

"Well we both know that now, don't we..."

Dabi walks over to sit on the couch, still visibly stressed and recovering from what just happened. You laughed a little and went to sit next to him to help calm him down, and once Dabi's fine again,

Mako decides to squeeze himself in between the two of you.

However, your boyfriend seems to get very aggravated at his action and starts some flames on his hand. "Don't forget i'm still a villain, I'd stand back by the door if I were you..." he threatens.

"Could you stop threatening people?" You ask.

"No, he just randomly decided to sit ri-"

"I was just gonna say I wanted to get some ramen and green tea smoothies..." He says, interrupting your small argument.

"Oh, sure." You respond.

"But why?"

"Why not?"

(Time Skip Brought to You By Dabi Intensely Glaring at Mako as He Slowly Inches Out From Sitting In Between the two of You Lol)

"Ok Mako, you know where I park my car. You can walk down to it and wait for us inside until Dabi and I are ready to come down ourselves."

"Ok. But what are you and Dabi still gonna do back here?"

"Do you think Dabi's just gonna walk out in the open with us like this?"

" he has a disguise? I never thought about how he'd probably need something like that..."

Sometimes, Opposites Attract... (Dabi x Fem Reader + Imagines *NO SMUT!!*)Where stories live. Discover now