ENTRY 19 - V Day!!

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Dearest Diary,

It's Valentine's Day!!!

Oh, such a romantic holiday! ♡♡♡ My heart is practically doing cartwheels; Oh, how it skips a beat..! I've become nothing but a puddle on this celebratory holiday!

My face burns up at the idea of celebrating it with my Beloved ,, Ahahaha. How embarrassing! Eeek!!! > <

How did you guys celebrate today? Did you eat tons of sweets? Maybe received a letter or a gift? Or maybe experienced despairing heartbreak?..

Weeeell, lucky me! I received absolutely NOTHING!

You may be wondering, ehe.. "Saihara, how is that lucky?" Well, it's lucky because receiving nothing means I didn't get anything BAD either!

I guess Ouma forgot! Or just isn't the gift giving type!

What a shame! Oh well, I forgive him. ♡

Anywhoo!!! ∩^ω^∩ I also sent him a letter of my own! Oohh ,, I hope he enjoys it just as much as my last one~..!

Dear Ouma,

I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

Don't you get it already? I've already told you. This is my warning.

I love you so much. I think I'll tear my skin and flesh apart if I can't have you. I crave for you. I yearn for you.

Why don't you get it? Please.

I love you. I love you. Do you get it?

I love you so much that I forgave you for your ignorance. I forgave you for not getting me anything. It's okay. I forgive you because I love you.

Let me love you. I don't want to need to hurt you.

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.

Cute, right ?! (๑>◡<๑) I left him the cutest photos of himself too and roses..! I'm so thoughtful, aren't I?


Until next time,

Adieu! ♪

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