Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

I felt my chest tighten as I tried to process the heart-breaking words.

He wanted me to stay here?


Freedom was just inches away from me and now the thought of never having it again was difficult to comprehend. I had forced myself to believe that Cami and I would escape this place, we would be free and enjoy life without having to worry about anyone coming after us.

I told myself it would be over soon, I kept telling myself that over and over again. I did myself a disservice, doing this has caused me to become delusional and in a constant state of denial of the actual consequences of our actions.

This was never going to end, not until Alpha Alessandro was satisfied and even though I had only met the man a couple of times I knew it wouldn't be anytime soon.

"Okay." I chocked out. "I'll stay."

Uncle Tom looked conflicted, he didn't want me to stay here but what choice did he have? It was either lose one niece or both.

"Please keep Cami safe." My voice wobbled at the thought of being separated from her. We had discussed it before- separating, but now that it was actually happening it was a lot harder than I had anticipated.

"Of course I will." Uncle Tom promised as he grasped my hands.

I bit my lip and looked up towards the ceiling, trying my best not to cry. I had to stay strong for Cami, she couldn't see me like this.

"If it-" I cleared my throat and started again. "If it goes wrong, keep her hidden. I have a plan."

Uncle Tom nodded and released my hands, only to pull me into a hug.

I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "I'm going to say it was me, that I did it. If they question you put the blame on me. Cami had nothing to do with it." I whispered into his ears.

Once we were both in agreement, Uncle Tom re-entered the room while I stayed outside to compose myself.

Pull it together Nala!

After a couple of minutes I entered the room as well, my eyes immediately finding Cami who was looking happy and relaxed.

"I'll go make sure everything is ready for us." Uncle Tom told us, he left the room but not before giving my hand a final squeeze.

Cami must have sensed that something was as her facial expressions began to change. I walked over to her and pulled her gently so that we could both sit on the bed.

"Cami, you're going to with Uncle Tom. Don't tell anyone what happened, not one single person no matter who they are. You're going to stick the story I told you."

I paused for a few seconds before continuing. "The Alpha has agreed to let you go but I have to stay."

"No!" Cami immediately yelled, standing up. "I'm not leaving you."

"You don't have a choice, I-"

"No, no, no." Cami shook her head frantically. "I did this, this is my fault. If anyone should stay, it should be me."

"It's not your fault." I grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "Listen to me, this is not your fault. You're going to leave with Uncle Tom, I'm going to be fine here. They're going to let me go in two weeks, that's it. Two weeks."

"I can't stay away from you for that long." Cami sobbed, her face drenched with tears. "I need you."

My throat tightened and I took in a deep breath.

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