Valerie had been wondering around the castle trying to make head or tails about it's layout, while freaking about kissing the count Dracula! Granted only on the cheek but still.
She was currently lost in a massive unlit room with a bunch of tables scattered around the edges.
'This is probably the ballroom' she thought and blushed at the other thought that followed of her and Dracula sharing a romantic dance.
Then the doors flew open and the place flooded with light and she saw Dracula at the door wearing just a towel, her whole face went beet red and she turned away covering a nosebleed.
Dracula gasped noticing her before magically changing into his usual clothes and walking up to her with a disgruntled Johnny following him.
"Valerie, i just wanted to say i'm sorry i got angry at you" Dracula said taking her hand in his and kissing the top while looking at her.
Valerie blushed at that "It's okay, i shouldn't have asked but if you ever want to talk about it i'm willing to listen" she said placing her hand on top of his and smiling as they held hands together.
Dracula smiled back at her before he remembered he had brought Johnny with him and turned back to him.
"Right Johnny, you see these tables here, you can spend the entire day pulling them out and placing them, party planner" Dracula said his hair getting disheveled from how worked up he was getting before going back over to Valerie.
"Fantastic i'm trapped here, now i know how your daughter feels" Johnny said going over to the tables.
"Ugh!" Dracula groaned to Valerie to which she giggled a little bit.
You've just get to know Johnny a little more is all" she said before licking her hand and fixing his hair with a smile.
Dracula smiled back and a moment of tension started growing between them again and he actually started leaning in before it was broken by the sound of a table scrapping against the floor.
Dracula went over to Johnny "Enough, enough, stop go to a corner you're in a time out!" he told him.
"Time out?! I'm a grown man!" Johnny argued but Dracula used his powers to force Johnny into the corner and suck on his thumb.
Valerie went over to Johnny as Dracula started directing the tables that floated due to living tablecloths.
"Oh hey dude, say i saw how Drac was looking at you earlier, making some progress yeah?" Johnny asked grinning teasingly at her.
"Yes actually" Valerie replied smugly "It's so strange though, i've only known him for a few hours but i feel like i might already be in love with him" she told him.
"Well i say if that's how you feel you should just go with it" Johnny said.
"I know" Valerie then sighed "I'm just not sure though, i mean what if he doesn't love me?" she asked glancing over at Dracula, who thankfully was too busy to eavesdrop on them.
"Oh i don't know about that but check this out!" Johnny grinned grabbing her and counting the tables before placing her on top of one and also jumping on board.
"Thirty six up!" Johnny said, a face appeared on the tablecloth that gasped somehow before lifting up.
Johnny started laughing as the table floated around and Valerie couldn't help getting caught up in it laughing along with him.
Dracula noticed them and felt both jealous and angry at Johnny that he was making Valerie laugh and doing it by fooling around as he did.
"Thirty one to nineteen" he said making the tables crash, Valerie yelped a bit as she and Johnny fell before groaning as they went down the tables.
Dracula winched a bit, he hadn't meant to hurt Valerie.
Valerie glared at Dracule before she smirked "Twenty four up" she called and the table started floating again, she then steered the table nearly hitting Dracula but he stepped out of the way.
Johnny laughed and looked down "Oh where'd you go grandpa?" he asked mostly himself not seeing Dracula.
"Don't freak out gravity face" Dracula taunted appearing ahead of them sitting upside down on another floating table.
Valerie scoffed a bit rolling her eyes at him.
"Eat my dust gray fang!" Johnny laughed steering the table away.
"Fifty six and forty three to my side" Dracula called before giving chase.
Johnny whooped while Valerie laughed as they zoomed around on the table.
Dracula laughed too as he chased them "Prepare to die billy backpack!" he said closing in on them, he tried grabbing Valerie but she ducked out of the way.
Then Johnny did a half pipe thing on the ceiling with the table "That's how we do it, half pipe baby!" he said.
"Whatever" Dracula said rolling his eyes.
"Not impressed, then how about this?" Valerie called before jumping on one of the tables at Dracula's side and riding it like a snow board doing tricks from wall to wall.
"Yeah that's how it's done Val!" Johnny said gliding over to her and high fiving her, noticing Dracula's stunned face.
"Oh oh, you've done it now!" Dracula called before making a bunch of tables block their path but Johnny and Valerie jumped through a gap whooping in joy.
Dracula followed them laughing before he ran out of tables but "I've got you" Valerie said catching him as she and Johnny zoomed by sharing a table again.
And once again Valerie and Dracula had a moment but this time she was leaning in, until a towel covered her face, Dracula laughed taking it off of her as well as the towel that was on his face.
Before they noticed they were going to crash, all three screamed clinging to each other as they crashed into a suit of armor, in the commotion however Quasimodo kidnapped Johnny and Valerie.
"Oh, oh, did you see that? Who is that guy? Sir brakes a lot?" Dracula asked the helmet laughing to himself having yet to notice Valerie and Johnny were missing.
"I have to say, that was fun, Valerie you were totally right, i just had to get to know him a little more" Dracula said lifting the tablecloth but saw no one under it.
"Johnny? Valerie?" he asked looking around before he noticed the muddy tracks Quasimodo had left behind "Quasimodo" he growled briefly reverting to his true nature before running off following the tracks.
Dracula kept running until he saw Mavis up ahead and came to a stop.
"Mavis? Why are you still up? The sun is out it could kill you my honey guts" he said in concern walking past her.
"I couldn't sleep, do you know where Johnny went?" Mavis asked.
"I don't know, he uh" Dracula paused and went back to Mavis "Why do you want to know?" he asked.
"Oh uh" Mavis trailed off.
"Do you like him?" Dracula asked.
"What?! Pfft, no, come on dad he's so weird and awkward, it's like are you an idiot or do you know your adorable?" Mavis said tucking her hair behind her ear.
"And what about you huh? Uncle Frank told me he saw you at dinner with Valerie, do you like her?" Mavis asked turning to her dad.
"Uh, i-i'll get back right with you Mavie" Dracula said dodging the question and going over to a nearby suit of armor.
"Do you have a location on Quasimodo?" he asked.
"Yes sir, heading through the lobby towards the kitchen" the suit of armor said.
"I need him stopped immiditiatly, is that clear?" Dracula asked.
"Yes sir, we are on it" the suit of armor said, Dracula returned to Mavis while in the lobby a squad of armor suits attacked the cook but he managed to evade them despite having Valerie and Johnny tied to his back.