👨‍🍳 04: That Hit The Spot

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The microwave dings and I grab the bowl of leftover potato salad. I dice a bunch of dills, combining them along with a spoonful of vinegar.

As soon as I take the bite, the feathery texture of dills melts in my mouth together with the potato. The sourness of the vinegar complements the sweetness of the herb.

While I eat, my phone vibrates. Jacob has sent a message that he'll be running late. I hurry up and go downstairs. The only reason I can't let go of this space is that it's the same building as my apartment.

The rent is far from cheap but the location is worth it. That payment from a month ago surely helped a lot to make my business afloat.

After countless discussions, we decide to convert one of our food trucks, branching out to mobile catering. It's been going so smoothly that we have actually partnered to cater for fo a local resort and deliver food service to a pharmaceutical company. It may have been too much on our plate but who doesn't like more money?

Everything is falling into its right place. Or so I think.

The moment the elevator door opens, Mr. Pheles is right in front of me. It's as if he knows the exact time I'll arrive.

But then recalling all the madness that night, I might be right off the bat.

I avoid that creepy gaze, walking past him.

"It's been a while, Mr. Schneider," he says as I brush off to his side.

I ignore his greeting and proceed to the back entrance of our office.

"I believe you have heard me, Mr. Schneider. I'm here for another favor."

My steps gradually grow quicker but he matches my pace all along. Considering we are almost the same height, it shall not be a surprise. Nonetheless, I try to widen the gap between us.

"My guests love your food. As much as they have returned to their regular diet, many are looking for your delicacies. You have met Bigfoot, correct?"

The appearance of hairy gorilla-man flashes in my mind.

"You see, he is pursuing the Queen of Hearts and he wants you to prepare their dinner."

His words slow my footsteps for a second. Though I honestly don't think I have met her, the curiosity is killing me. As it happens, monsters can have love lives too.

"The Queen of Hearts is essentially human. Unlike the other monsters, humans are pickier and love their food cooked so they never attended the Midnight Banquet. Your father has been serving as their cook but since he's sick, no one is able to prepare it for them," he explains so thoroughly that we already arrived at my office.

But, all his remarks simply pass to my ears. It is right to dismiss him after he associated me with that bastard again. I insert the key and push down the lever but it's stuck.

"As I was saying, Mr. Schneider. We need your service this coming weekend. It'll be appreciated if you can coordinate with us."

I try to nudge the handle again. Once. Twice. Thrice. It's still locked. I twist to see the man with curved lips, his cheekiness rubbing me in the wrong direction.

"What did you do?" I say, my teeth grinding.

"We're currently discussing and I hate to be interrupted."

"There's no need for a discussion. I won't do it."

"Are you certain? I'll pay another hundred thousand dollars."

My forehead creases. Again?

The amount arises temptation but, reflecting on all that shit last time, it's not worth it.

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