Chapter 14

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45 minutes back in Shield Security Services:

Veera got all the necessary devices and weapons. He then called and informed the police about the possible abduction and also told them that the location coordinates will be sent out by his subordinate. He left the building along with PSun, PEarth, and Kla in his car.

He asked Kla to call Daw and Rune to inform them about Tanet. They insisted on coming with them but Veera declined stating safety issues. He asked them to stay at Daw's house and then send one of his guys to guard them.As they followed the signal from the tracker in Tanet's watch, they came across Tanet's car abandoned on the side of a deserted road. Veera quickly got out and checked in the car. There were no signs of any struggle. He was about to leave when he saw a piece of paper on the dashboard. He quickly took that paper and was shocked to see the message on it. A tear dropped from his eyes as he read the message.

"I am sorry. I love you."

Veera: I love you too. I will not lose you. I am coming for you. Just hang in there.

Kla keeps his hand on Veera's shoulder.

Kla: Veera

Veera quickly wipes his tears and his eyes shine with determination.

Veera: Let's go.

They quickly get into the car and drive off to the destination. As they near the warehouse, they look around to see if there is anyone at the gate. Veera parks at a safe distance from the warehouse and get out of the car along with the other.

Veera: PSun, PEarth, you take the back door. I will attack from the front along with Kla.

Sun : Okay

They quietly move towards their destination. Veera and Kla manage to capture the guards at the gate. They gag them and tie them to a tree. Sun and Earth also manage to capture the guards at the back door. As Veera was about to enter the warehouse, he hears an ear-piercing scream from inside.

Veera: TANET

Veera quickly breaks the door and enters the warehouse followed by Kla. He ran inside and was shocked to see the scene before him. Tanet was lying on the floor and all his clothes were torn into bits and pieces. His face and body were covered with blood coming out of the multiple cuts made on his body. A guy was standing over him with a knife covered with blood and Veera could see his evil smile as Tanet lie there screaming in pain.

Veera: TANET

Tanet looks at Veera with eyes full of tears.

"Welcome Mr.Li. I was waiting for you. I knew you would follow him. Young love does that to everyone."

Veera looks at the source of the voice and was shocked to see Mr. Arthit standing there.

Veera: Mr.Arthit

Veera now understood who the actual insider was. The one they had caught was just a proxy for Mr.Arthit. He was the actual culprit. Veera felt angry at himself for not figuring this out earlier. He is brought back from his thoughts by a painful scream. He looks at Tanet and was shocked to see the guy pressing hard on Tanet's cut.

Veera: Stop it. Don't hurt him. Just tell me what do you want.

Unknown guy: Hmm. I want Daw. I want him here right now. Call him.

Tanet: No..I...I will not let you anywhere near Daw. You can kill me but I will not let you hurt my friend.

The guy looks at him with a cruel glint in his eyes.

Unknown guy: What if I kill him? He points his gun at Veera.

Unknown guy: Will you still keep your mouth shut?

Fear was seen on Tanet's face as the guy pointed the gun at Veera.

Tanet: Prem, don't hurt him.

Prem: So I was right. This guy is very important to you. You love him.

Tanet looks at Veera with tears in his eyes but does not say anything.

Prem: Call Daw here and I will let you all go.

Veera could feel Kla clutch his fist in anger as he heard Prem taking Daw's name. He holds Kla's hands to calm him down.

Prem: Come on. Call him. You have got 5 minutes to call him or else I will shoot him.Veera looks at Kla and signals with his eyes. Kla looks around and spots Earth and Sun in the warehouse. He knew they had to distract Prem to get Tanet away from him. So he decides to play along.

Veera: Okay. We will call Daw but you should not hurt Tanet anymore.

Prem: Okay.

Prem slowly moves away from Tanet. Prem watched Veera as he put his hand into his pocket to get his phone but suddenly he takes a small metal ball and throws it at Prem. As the ball hits the ground, smoke starts coming out of it and the entire place gets filled with smoke. Veera quickly runs forward to reach Tanet while the other gets ambushed by police, Kla, Sun, and Earth. Everyone was fighting with each other and finally, they managed to capture everyone except Prem. As the smoke cleared a little bit, Veera saw Prem standing at a distance pointing his gun at Tanet. All the blood drained from Veera's face as he realized that Prem was about to pull the trigger on Tanet who lay there unable to move. Tanet looks at Veera and smiles and closes his eyes resigning to his fate. He then heard a loud bang sound and then complete silence. But he felt nothing, no pain, no burning sensation. He slowly opened his eyes to see Veera standing before him on his knees covering him. Slowly his shirt started to turn red in his chest area.

Tanet: VEERA

Shield- Protecting the one you loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن