(Sec 1-2) The First Main Game (Final)

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Zill's POV

Voting Results

Zill: 2 Votes

Jack: 2 Votes

Sahara: 2 Votes

Venganza: 3 Votes

Jill: 3 Votes

As I stared at the screen, fear... began to well up inside of me... I realized that Everyone stared at the results with silence and fear.

Sue: Heehee... What do you think of these results. Five will proceed to the final vote! Sahara Gaboni. Jillian Violet. Jackson Wells.

Jack:... Why...?! Why am I-

Sue: Venganza Brood

Venganza:... Oh... I see...

Sue: Zillion Martinez.

The reality of the situation began hitting me all at once. We'll die...? One of the five of us will die without a doubt... I... I can't die... Not like this!

Rusty: Am... am I safe...?

Simon: Are you serious?! Me too?! WOOHOO!!!

Vinny facepaled.

Vinny: Idiots! We're still not done yet!

Damian: What happens next... Could mean the death of us...

Addison: D-Do we seriously have to choose...?

Mackenzie: Sahara... Zill... Jack... Jill...

She murmured our names with disbelief. Why...?! Why me?! I've... I've worked so hard... not just for myself... but for everyone else too! So we could all escape... Why?! The world began to fade. I... don't want to die... I don't care about everyo-

Damian: Get a grip, Zill!

I snapped back to reality and stared at Damian. He flinched and forced a smile.

Damian:... Um... I mean... Hey, Zill... Remember, your friends are here with ya!

Jack also gave me a thumbs up with a whimper. He was scared and yet here he was... trying to comfort me. I regained my composure and sighed.

Damian: Listen, everyone. We just need to narrow it down to one person. Forget about any sympathy or grudges. Right now... we should focus on who has what role. If we end up voting for the keymaster or sacrifice, We'll all die...

Simon: That's right! We're not done yet!

Vinny: Speaking of roles! Is one of us the Sage?

Mackenzie: Oh yeah! If the Sage is on our side, they'll know who the Keymaster is! Then we could just vote for the liar!

She stared at Venganza who just rolled his eyes. Everyone looked at each other.




Silence. The silence was deafening. I saw everyone's faces grow pale.

Addison: D-Don't tell me... Is there no Sage...?

Rusty: Fuck! Is the Sage one of those five...?!

Damian sighed.

Damian: Crap, well... Nothing can be done then. I guess... the five of them have to prove who has what role and stuff with just words. Right, guys?


I finally pieced myself back together.

Zill: Exactly. I'll prove to everyone who the real keymaster is!

Damian: Cool... Just keep doing what you're doing and I'm sure the truth will come out.

Sue: Heeheehee... The final 20 minutes.... Please use this endlessly short time effectively. I'll be praying... you don't all perish Aheehee.

She gave us her signature malicious grin as she sat back down in her chair. I readied myself for the final battle...!

Damian: Alright... Before we begin, let's start with everyone in the final round saying what role they are.

Sahara: I... have nothing to say...

Sahara's voice was weak and quiet.

Addison: Sa-Sahara...

Vinny: Come on! Talk to us!!

Damian sighed when she said that.

Jill: I have nothing to say, as well. Think what you want!

Venganza scoffed.

Venganza: Ugh! I already said that I'm the Keymaster. I've been saying that from the start.

Rusty: Honestly?! I don't trust a single fucking word you say anymore! You're suspicious as hell!

Simon: Hmph... I believe him. And whoever tried to protect him has to be the Sage... That's the person we should be focusing on!

Mackenzie scratched her hair.

Mackenzie: Why should we focus on the Sage?

Simon: The Sage already knows who the Keymaster is, but if they are outed, they're as good as dead. Like, "Oh, that's the Sage? Then I can just vote for them without consequence.

Mackenzie whimpered as she hid in her turtleneck sweater.

Mackenzie: So the Sage can't confess... ?

Rusty: Yeah! If Sahara really wanted to die, wouldn't she just say "I'm the Sage"...?!

Addison: Speaking of roles. What about the Sacrifice? They have two votes... right...?

Damian: True but everyone had two or more votes.

Mackenzie: Gah! This is awful! I... I don't want everyone to die...!

Damian looked over to Jack, who was hugging himself.

Damian: Hey Jack, what about you? What's your role?

Jack looked away from the rest of us with a cold sweat and clenched teeth.

Jack: H-huh...? I... Forget about it... It doesn't matter...

Damian sighed before pointing at me.

Damian: And Zill's the Keymaster?

Zill: That's right!

Damian: Okay... then let's go from there! The Keymaster can't be chosen as the victim or else everyone dies. If the Sacrifice is chosen as the victim, They can escape with one person while everyone else dies. If the Sage or Commoner is chosen, they die plus the Sacrifice too.

I took a deep breath and looked around. Where do I even begin? Everyone's voices began to drown each other out.

Zill: Jack, come on... Trust me... What's your role?

I gave him a serious look.

Jack: Zill... Look... Don't give me that look...

Zill: Why can't you say it?

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