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"WHERE AM I?"  YOU THOUGHT as you kept looking around with a clueless eyes.

How did you end up in the middle of Devildom?

It's actually a funny story. Lucifer was supposed to be the one taking you home, but he got caught up in his work. He told Mammon to take you instead and inform you about this, but Mammon had to mess it up. He sneaked out of the school because he wanted to gamble. You waited in front of the school for almost an hour and eventually you forgot why you were waiting in the first place and wandered off until you got into the middle of Devildom. The kingdom was actually so bright that you were surprised to see such bright and colorful lights like this, it made you feel like it was daytime even though the sky was dark. To be honest, you found it quite beautiful.

Certainly Ginko is worried sick about you by now.

You continued your walk for about ten minutes until you stumbled upon a very big castle. You stared up at its golden lights, "What is this big place?" You thought, blinking your eyes a few times before gently placing your hand on one of the bars of the gate.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Upon hearing your name, you turned around and saw lord Diavolo followed by a green haired demon you didn't recognize at all.

You actually don't recognize anyone either way.

Both males approached you, Diavolo giving you his bright smile. You swore that someone's face flashed in your head, someone who talks so loud, but you forgot. "Were you planning on visiting me?" Diavolo asked, beaming at you. You blinked a few times and looked around you for a moment, "I don't remember. Who are you again?" Diavolo sweatdropped at your blunt statement and question, but that wasn't the big deal. He was sad that you forgot his name or who is he again. It wasn't your fault though, he was pretty busy to meet you.

He let out a childish laughter and crossed his arms, "It's okay, Y/N. I'm Diavolo."

Yup, he was definitely like someone with you in the demon slayer corp. BUT WHO?

You gave a nod, "I will try." Was all you said before you looked at the man behind Diavolo. You pointed your finger at him rudely, "Who is that?" Both males were surprised by you shameless way of asking, but nevertheless they didn't mind it knowing that it's your way of interacting with others. "Y/N, this is Barbatos, my most trusted butler." Diavolo introduced him and the man known as Barbatos placed his hand on his chest and bowed slightly, "It's a pleasure to meet you, miss Y/N." He greeted while giving you a smile.

You respectfully bowed, "Nice to meet you too... Um... What's your name again?" You stood up straight as you asked this question. Barbatos chuckled and shook his head, "It's exactly like how my lord told me, you tend to forget everything so quick." You blankly looked at both of them with confusion.

"He told you about me?"

"Of course, lord Diavolo always talks about you. I'm most certain that he is fond of you."

The red haired king started to freak out as a blush covered his cheeks, "B-Barbatos! Please d-do not say th-things like that!" He stuttered, making the butler laugh and you just staring at him with puzzlement. Diavolo quickly composed himself and cleared his throat, "Ahem! Would you like to have some tea with me, Y/N? I would be flattered if you agreed." He offered. You thought about it for a moment, you were alone and didn't know your way back to the House of Lamentation. Thus, it wouldn't harm to stay with Diavolo for a couple of minutes. Maybe the brothers will find you here, who know?

You nodded your head, "Yes, I would like to." Your answer satisfied both Diavolo and Barbatos because you saw their faces lit up, "Alright, let's get in!" The demon prince exclaimed in happiness.


Meanwhile in the House of Lamentation...

"Really? She smiled?" Asmo exclaimed as Levi and Satan looked in utter disbelieve while Belphie was deep in his sleep. Beel told them about the small chat he had with you and they were completely shocked to know that for the first time you had smiled.

Satan hummed and placed his hand of his chin, "It's surprising that she knows how to smile. We haven't seen her smile ever since she arrived." He pointed out, making the others nod in agreement, "You forgot to mention that she favors Beel more than any of us." Levi stated, feeling slightly sad.

He wasn't the only one though, Asmo and Satan felt the same.

The gluttonous demon looked at his brothers as they suddenly went quiet, "Why do I feel happy?" He thought as he felt glad to hear that you preferred him over his brothers. Asmo shook his head to push away those disturbing feelings, "What else happened?" He asked, deep down hoping that nothing heart-breaking happened. Beel thought for a while, trying to remember what other things you told him.

After a few seconds, he remembered a certain question you asked, "She asked me how it feels to have siblings, but that wasn't the case." As he stated this, Levi raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean? Go straight to the point, Beel."

"I asked her if she has siblings in the human world, but she said that she doesn't know and that her mind doesn't want to remember."

What Beel said triggered the detective within Satan as he stood up suddenly, "Well my brothers, it seems we have a mystery to solve. If Y/N can't remember her family, let's find a way to make her remember." He said with determination written on his face. Beel felt concern since he didn't want to push you over your limits just to remember, "I think this is not a good idea."

"Come on, Beel. Don't you feel curious about what happened to Y/N?" The younger brother went quiet since what Satan said was true.

"I agree with you, Satan. I'm also curious too." Asmo confessed.

"Me too! Maybe her life is similar to that anime I watched where the hero- humph..."

Levi was cut off when Satan covered his mouth, "Nobody wants to know." The door to the common room opened and in walked Lucifer who looked very exhausted, "Good evening." He greeted and sat on the couch to relax for a bit. The brothers greeted back, but didn't bother to ask about his day knowing Lucifer being secretive.

He eyed his brothers cautiously, feeling that they're hiding something from him. However, he didn't question it since he will eventually know. "Is Y/N in her room?" He asked out of blue, but didn't receive any answer. Suddenly...

"Caw! Where's Tokito san?! Caw!" Ginko suddenly dashed into the room and landed on the armrest of the couch.

They all looked at Lucifer with confusion, "Isn't Y/N with you Lucifer?" Asmo was the first to ask. Lucifer raised an eyebrow, "No, I told Mammon to take her home." Upon hearing this, Satan tsk-ed, "You know Mammon isn't worth giving responsibility, let alone take a forgetful person like Y/N home. That proves how low-witted you are." He mocked, being unfazed by Lucifer's glare.

The prideful demon was about to protest when Asmo stopped him, "It's not time for fighting, Y/N might be lost somewhere. We need to look for her first." Lucifer sighed and closed his eyes to calm down, "You're right, let's look for her first then I will have a small talk with Mammon." He said as he started to put a plan for looking for you around Devildom. Ginko started to get worried as she placed both of her wings on her head, "Caw! Tokito san is lost! Caw! Where's she? Caw!" She screamed as tears started to run down her eyes. Levi gave her a head pat, "Don't worry, we will find her for sure." He tried the best he could to assure her, but the poor crow wasn't convinced at all.

They decided to look for you around Devildom and Belphie will stay home just in case you return. Operation of looking for Y/N has started!

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